Related Articles - Page 6

Op Ed: ‘Shhh! It’s a Secret…’
Op Ed

‘Shhh! It’s a Secret…’

Legislators’ refusal to release records violates law, requires legal challenges.

Your Right to Know: Evers Can Do Better On Openness
Your Right to Know

Evers Can Do Better On Openness

Evers Administration excludes right-wing news service from receiving media notifications and shutdown a website to track open records requests.

Murphy’s Law: Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State
Murphy’s Law

Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State

Tying hands of Attorney General stalls 15 lawsuits, could cost taxpayers millions.

Lame Duck Laws Opposed Overwhelmingly

Lame Duck Laws Opposed Overwhelmingly

Records show Legislature fielded nearly 48,000 contacts from people and 98% opposed lame duck laws.

Your Right to Know: Legislators Use Fees to Keep Records Secret
Your Right to Know

Legislators Use Fees to Keep Records Secret

Charging citizens making open records requests means less scrutiny of government.

State Agencies Give Zero Days for Comment

State Agencies Give Zero Days for Comment

Evers Administration uses lame duck law to make policy changes with no chance for public comments.

Your Right to Know: Abrahamson Let the Sunshine In
Your Right to Know

Abrahamson Let the Sunshine In

For decades Justice Abrahamson was state Supreme Court’s foremost champion of open records.

Your Right to Know: Kaul Embraces Opens Records Policy
Your Right to Know

Kaul Embraces Opens Records Policy

State Attorney General settles lawsuit, changes predecessor's policy of withholding emails.

Your Right to Know: Bill Prevents Scrutiny of Lottery Winners
Your Right to Know

Bill Prevents Scrutiny of Lottery Winners

Shielding those records could open the door to cheating, conspiring to win millions.

Your Right to Know: Body Camera Bill Balances Privacy, Openness
Your Right to Know

Body Camera Bill Balances Privacy, Openness

Legislative Study Committee has created bipartisan bill with sensible regulations of police body cameras.

Your Right to Know: Don’t Purge Expunged Criminal Records
Your Right to Know

Don’t Purge Expunged Criminal Records

The goal of helping ex-offenders get jobs is laudable, but too much public information will be lost.

Op Ed: Racine Officials Hid Public Records
Op Ed

Racine Officials Hid Public Records

And spent $18,000 in taxpayer dollars to do it. The public trust has been violated.

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