
795 N. Jefferson St., Milwaukee, WI 53202

Related Press Releases - Page 2

Supervisor Taylor Presses for Action on HIV/AIDS

Supervisor Taylor Presses for Action on HIV/AIDS

Final consideration of all proposed budget amendments will take place at the County Board's budget adoption meeting on November 5 at 9:30 a.m.

Supervisor Taylor Calls for Reform of Expungement Laws

Supervisor Taylor Calls for Reform of Expungement Laws

"Expungement allows people who have completed their sentences to be given a real chance to pursue economic security for themselves and their families."

Sequanna Taylor Announces Candidacy for MPS Board of School Directors

Sequanna Taylor Announces Candidacy for MPS Board of School Directors

Elected Official, MPS Parent, and Educational Assistant Will Put the Students First

County Board Adopts Measure to Limit the Shackling of Pregnant Women

County Board Adopts Measure to Limit the Shackling of Pregnant Women

"The practice of restraining pregnant women is demeaning and unnecessary and best efforts must be made to avoid this practice at all costs."

Supervisor Taylor Measure Would Limit the Shackling of Pregnant Women

Supervisor Taylor Measure Would Limit the Shackling of Pregnant Women

A measure opposing the practice of shackling pregnant and postpartum women within Milwaukee County correctional facilities will come before the Judiciary, Safety, and General Services committee

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