Related Press Releases - Page 2

Energy activist Keviea Guiden honored as Great Waters Group’s Environmental Hero
$2.5 Billion for Clean Energy, Battery Storage Committed to We Energies
Sierra Club Responds to Enbridge’s Line 6 Pipeline Spilling 70,000 Gallons of Oil in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Environmental Groups Take Legal Action Challenging Line 5 Pipeline Permits
Coalition Admonishes I-94 expansion Record of Decision

Coalition Admonishes I-94 expansion Record of Decision

Approval of the project harms civil rights, air and water quality, and climate

Advocates condemn approval of I-94 expansion

Advocates condemn approval of I-94 expansion

The project is currently under review for Civil Rights violation

Gov. Evers Slams Senate Republicans for Once Again Baselessly Firing Qualified Appointees, Names Immediate Appointments to Ensure Critical Government Operations Continue
Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Extend Great Lakes Protections

Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Extend Great Lakes Protections

Bipartisan bill extends the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and increases funding to protect the Great Lakes

I-94 Expansion in Milwaukee under federal civil rights investigation

I-94 Expansion in Milwaukee under federal civil rights investigation

Advocates call on Governor Evers to pause the project; for WisDOT and USDOT not to issue a Final Environmental Impact Statement or a Record of Decision while it is undergoing investigation by the Federal Highway Administration

Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Invest in Made in America Solar Manufacturing

Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Invest in Made in America Solar Manufacturing

Legislation supports American manufacturers, businesses, and workers

Sierra Club Great Waters Group honors Richard Diaz as 2022 Environmental Hero
Advocates oppose expansion announcement of I-94 East-West project

Advocates oppose expansion announcement of I-94 East-West project

Coalition condemn WisDOT’s decision to select the eight-lane expansion as the preferred alternative; more needs to be done to improve walking, biking, and transit in Milwaukee

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