Related Press Releases - Page 2

Sierra Club Great Waters Group honors Richard Diaz as 2022 Environmental Hero
Advocates oppose expansion announcement of I-94 East-West project

Advocates oppose expansion announcement of I-94 East-West project

Coalition condemn WisDOT’s decision to select the eight-lane expansion as the preferred alternative; more needs to be done to improve walking, biking, and transit in Milwaukee

Majority (63%) of Line 5 comments show strong opposition

Majority (63%) of Line 5 comments show strong opposition

Climate, Treaty Rights, Waterways rank among highest areas of concern

U.S. Supreme Court Limits EPA Ability to Fight Climate Crisis

U.S. Supreme Court Limits EPA Ability to Fight Climate Crisis

Court decision restricts future EPA regulation of power plant carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act

Coalition Renews Call for Fix At Six Solution for I-94 in Milwaukee

Coalition Renews Call for Fix At Six Solution for I-94 in Milwaukee

Press conference features elected officials, activists and impacted neighbors

Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Bolster Made in America Solar Manufacturing
Circuit Court Decision on Nemadji Gas Plant is a Step Backward for Wisconsin

Circuit Court Decision on Nemadji Gas Plant is a Step Backward for Wisconsin

Court upholds PSC decision to greenlight unneeded power plant in Superior

Journalist Isiah Holmes Earns Environmental Hero of the Year Award
Senator Baldwin Applauds House Vote to Pass Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Senator Baldwin Applauds House Vote to Pass Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Bipartisan legislation creates Wisconsin jobs and rebuilds Badger State infrastructure

Wisconsin Local Leaders Support Passing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Making a Major Federal Investment in Rebuilding Water Infrastructure

Wisconsin Local Leaders Support Passing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Making a Major Federal Investment in Rebuilding Water Infrastructure

Praise for Senator Baldwin’s work on bipartisan legislation that will help local communities replace dangerous lead service lines, address dangerous PFAS chemicals, and improve resiliency of infrastructure

Statement: State transportation budget is most harmful in a decade

State transportation budget is most harmful in a decade

Transportation advocates condemn unprecedented cuts to Milwaukee and Madison transit systems while green-lighting the unnecessary I-94 E/W highway expansion project

Statement: Proposed state transportation budget will unnecessarily expand I-94 and leave transit riders in the dust

Proposed state transportation budget will unnecessarily expand I-94 and leave transit riders in the dust

Transportation advocates call for more action before the budget heads to Gov. Evers’ desk

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