Related Articles - Page 2

A Court Battle Over Open Records

A Court Battle Over Open Records

Court hears suit against former Natural Resources Board chairman, who won’t release any records.

Environmental Groups Seek to Intervene in PFAS Case

Environmental Groups Seek to Intervene in PFAS Case

State’s largest business group challenges DNR’s authority to require testing for toxic pollutant.

State Board Approves Sulfide Mining Rules

State Board Approves Sulfide Mining Rules

Natural Resources Board requires companies to pay more for permits, notify nearby tribes of any proposal.

State Task Force Hears From Chemical Lobby

State Task Force Hears From Chemical Lobby

American Chemistry Council fights regulation of dangerous chemicals.

Foxconn No Longer Needs Lake Michigan Water?

Foxconn No Longer Needs Lake Michigan Water?

Environmentalists say company doesn’t need permit to withdraw 7 million gallons per day.

Groups Challenge Legality of Foxconn’s Water Diversion

Groups Challenge Legality of Foxconn’s Water Diversion

Argues the DNR made a mistake in approving the water diversion.

Op Ed: Stop Pollution From Manure Spreading
Op Ed

Stop Pollution From Manure Spreading

Will DNR protect drinking water or higher profits for mega-farms?

Op Ed: Wetlands Destruction Bill Targets Water, Wildlife
Op Ed

Wetlands Destruction Bill Targets Water, Wildlife

Threatens 1,000,000 acres, opposed by hunting and fishing groups.

Campaign Cash: Koch Brothers Want Less Local Control
Campaign Cash

Koch Brothers Want Less Local Control

GOP bill would limit city, county control over substandard lots.

Op Ed: Flambeau Mine Was Bad For State
Op Ed

Flambeau Mine Was Bad For State

Mining bill supporters distort its impact on environment and jobs.

Campaign Cash: Fish Farm Regulations Reduced
Campaign Cash

Fish Farm Regulations Reduced

Walker signs bill big business lobbied for and environmentalists opposed.

DNR Scientist Cuts Bigger Than Predicted?

DNR Scientist Cuts Bigger Than Predicted?

Walker's budget could also cut LTE staff in DNR's science bureau.

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