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UWM Prospect Mall Parking Lot Dorm Renderings

UWM Prospect Mall Parking Lot Dorm Renderings

Boulder Ventures provided us with a rendering of their proposed dorm for the Prospect Mall parking lot on the east side of Prospect Avenue.

Hot Meeting About Potential UWM Dorm Site

Hot Meeting About Potential UWM Dorm Site

The Maryland Avenue School played host to a tension-filled meeting to discuss one of three proposals for the location of the new UWM dorm. The proposal on the table was the nearby Prospect Mall parking lot location proposed by Boulder Ventures.

Public Meetings On Final Sites For New UWM Dorm

Public Meetings On Final Sites For New UWM Dorm

Public meetings for each dorm site have been announced. At each meeting the development teams will explain the proposal. The developer of the proposed site and UWM representives will be available for questions at each meeting. As a refresher we have included our opinion on each of the sites as described (we have not see the proposals yet).

UWM Picks Our Three Favorite Dorm Sites As Finalists

UWM Picks Our Three Favorite Dorm Sites As Finalists

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Real Estate Foundation announced the final three sites (narrowed from a field of eight) for the new 500 to 700 bed dorm to be built.

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