State Sen. Julian Bradley

Recent Articles

Senator Bradley to Chair Legislative Study Committee on Artificial Intelligence
Biden Touts Radical Redistribution of Wealth Student Loan Plan
Biden Puts Climate Activists First, Wisconsin Consumers Last
Senator Julian Bradley Statement on Brewers Ballpark
Eves Out of Touch with Wisconsin Families and Workers
Statement on Milwaukee Police Officer Killed in Line of Duty
Bradley Bill to Increase Accuracy of School Report Cards Now Law
Bradley Bail Transparency Bill Clears Senate
Press Release

Bradley Bail Transparency Bill Clears Senate


Bradley, Rozar Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill Passes Committee
Bradley, Wichgers Unveil Legislation to Rein In Low Bail for Repeat Offenders
Senator Bradley Second Amendment Protection Bill Passes Senate
Senator Bradley Unveils Tech Accountability Bill
Senator Bradley: What changed on the border, Governor Evers?
Senator Bradley: Surplus shouldn’t be spent to grow government
Senator Bradley: Passing elections bills a ‘top priority’
Senator Bradley Votes Against Bill that Conceals Criminals’ Records
Bipartisan Bradley Utilities Bill Becomes Law
Press Release

Bipartisan Bradley Utilities Bill Becomes Law


Senator Bradley: Court’s decision to overturn Evers’ order is ‘long overdue’
Senator Bradley Unveils Bill to Hold Repeat Criminals Accountable
Senator Bradley: Scrap Governor Evers’ Budget, Start From Scratch
Senate Passes Resolution to Rein in Governor Evers’ Mandates
Senator Bradley Calls on Governor Evers to Get Kids Back To School
Bradley Sworn Into Wisconsin State Senate
Press Release

Bradley Sworn Into Wisconsin State Senate


In Landslide Victory, Julian Bradley Elected to State Senate
Press Release

In Landslide Victory, Julian Bradley Elected to State Senate

Bradley To Become Wisconsin's First Black Republican State Senator

Julian Bradley: Justice Prevails for Officer Joseph Mensah
The Milwaukee Police Association Endorses Julian Bradley for State Senate
NRA Endorses Julian Bradley for State Senate
Press Release

NRA Endorses Julian Bradley for State Senate


Bradley Declares Victory in 28th Senate District Primary
Pro-Life Groups Rally Behind Julian Bradley
Press Release

Pro-Life Groups Rally Behind Julian Bradley


Bradley: “The Madness and Violence Needs to End”
Bradley: “Evers Fails Another Leadership Test”
Scott Walker Endorses Julian Bradley for 28th Senate
Former GOP Chairman and Businessman Julian Bradley Runs For 28th Senate District