Tomas Hernandez is owner of Diamante Negro.

Content referencing Tomas Hernandez

A New Kind of Bar Shuffle

A New Kind of Bar Shuffle

Several southside bars are caught up in a months-long game of musical chairs.

New Tavern Planned For Lincoln Avenue

New Tavern Planned For Lincoln Avenue

Dulce Diabla is poised to replace Diamante Negro near Forest Home Cemetery.

Now Serving: Pomona Cider Expands Menu, Hours
Now Serving

Pomona Cider Expands Menu, Hours

Plus: Goodbye Klement's Sausage outlet; and city suspends two bars, closes convenience store.

Southside Nightclub Gets 30-Day Suspension

Southside Nightclub Gets 30-Day Suspension

Council expressed alarm at fatal shooting that took place outside Diamante Negro, which is to remain closed through May 18.