Content referencing Brice Smith

Historic Marker Commemorating Black Nite Uprising Dedicated

Historic Marker Commemorating Black Nite Uprising Dedicated

First LGBTQ historic marker in Wisconsin erected in Milwaukee to remember site of uprising that occurred years before Stonewall.

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Announces NEH Grants to Fund Efforts to Uplift Important Milwaukee History
Site of LGBTQ+ Black Nite Brawl Receiving Historic Landmark Designation

Site of LGBTQ+ Black Nite Brawl Receiving Historic Landmark Designation

Patrons at Black Nite gay bar fought back against homophobic attack in 1961.

“LGBT MilWALKee” tour app to launch in June
Press Release

“LGBT MilWALKee” tour app to launch in June

Community collaboration seeks to combat LGBTQ erasure

Black Nite Remembrance Day illuminates the birthplace of local LGBTQ pride
Press Release

Black Nite Remembrance Day illuminates the birthplace of local LGBTQ pride

August 5 events to celebrate historic 1961 uprising