Director of operations at the Milwaukee Department of Public Works.

Content referencing Danielle Rodriguez

City Hall: Street Light Outages Vex City Officials
City Hall

Street Light Outages Vex City Officials

Even after passing street lighting fee the city struggles to hire electricians.

City Hall: Should Milwaukee Pay A Tire Bounty?
City Hall

Should Milwaukee Pay A Tire Bounty?

Idea is designed to combat illegal dumping, but at what price?

City Hall: Snow Plowing Could Take Longer This Winter
City Hall

Snow Plowing Could Take Longer This Winter

City faces staff shortage, changing strategies to improve service on residential side streets.

City Hall: Committee Endorses New Public Works Leaders
City Hall

Committee Endorses New Public Works Leaders

Council likes mayor's picks for DPW commissioner and city engineer.

City Hall: Street Lighting Still Burning Issue For City
City Hall

Street Lighting Still Burning Issue For City

Lights are frequently out. Council allocates $20 million to replace them, but effort may take years to complete.

City Hall: MPD Temporarily Lost More Than 8,000 Citations
City Hall

MPD Temporarily Lost More Than 8,000 Citations

Offenses including speeding, disorderly conduct, assault and battery had no follow-up after ticket issued.

City Hall: Public Works Commissioner Jeff Polenske Leaving For Private Sector
City Hall

Public Works Commissioner Jeff Polenske Leaving For Private Sector

Three-decade government veteran "retiring" for private-sector employment.

Nov. 21 Is Deadline For Raking Your Leaves

Nov. 21 Is Deadline For Raking Your Leaves

City extends annual leaf pickup by one week. Plus: more snowplow operators hired.

City Hall: 116 Non-Vaccinated Workers Face Suspension
City Hall

116 Non-Vaccinated Workers Face Suspension

And possible termination. 95.3% of general city employees complied with vaccine mandate.

City Hall: Staffing Issues Could Leave Milwaukee With More Snowplows Than Drivers
City Hall

Staffing Issues Could Leave Milwaukee With More Snowplows Than Drivers

At the very least, expect it to take longer for Milwaukee to clean up after a storm.

City Hall: More Than 660 Street Trees Lost in August Storm
City Hall

More Than 660 Street Trees Lost in August Storm

City officials debating how to get ready for next big storm as they await bill from "unprecedented" event.

City Hall: Bauman Blasts Mayor on Water Street Chaos
City Hall

Bauman Blasts Mayor on Water Street Chaos

Alderman wants stronger actions. "The mayor is basically whistling past the graveyard."