Grand Avenue Club is a business/organization .


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Milwaukee Repertory Theater Names Safe & Sound Recipient of the A Christmas Carol Families Program

Milwaukee Repertory Theater Names Safe & Sound Recipient of the A Christmas Carol Families Program

Plus A Christmas Carol Community Tickets Participating Organizations Announced

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Creating the “New Normal” for Mental Health Services in Milwaukee

Creating the “New Normal” for Mental Health Services in Milwaukee

The Grand Avenue Club (GAC) of Milwaukee has long fought against the abandonment, isolation and stigma of people with histories of serious mental illness. But the COVID19 epidemic has forced massive changes. Rising to the challenge, the GAC shows a path to the “new normal” for other Milwaukee nonprofits.

Governor Walker Announces $5.1 Million in Commute to Careers Grants

Governor Walker Announces $5.1 Million in Commute to Careers Grants

"These grants will give thousands of Wisconsin workers improved access to meaningful jobs or training opportunities that they need to enter the workforce."

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Summer Gallery Night and Day to be held July 22 and 23, 2016

Summer Gallery Night and Day to be held July 22 and 23, 2016

An evening of gallery hopping and art viewing begins Friday, July 22 and continues during the day on Saturday, July 23.

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