Recent Press Releases Referencing Castle Manor

Public Meeting for Proposed W. Layton Ave. Project

Public Information Meeting on February 7, 2018

Ald. Milele Coggs

Stirring words about freedom bring students scholarship awards

Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs today announced the winners of the 5th annual Freedom Scholarship Essay Contest.

Neighborhood Buildings

  • 1801 W. Layton Ave.

    Elevations of proposed Milwaukee ER & Hospital (north facade, south facade). Submitted to BOZA, drawings by Zimmerman Architectural Studios.

    Original property for Nutex Health‘s hospital. Reconfigured into three properties, 1751 W. Layton Ave. (the hospital), 4720 S. 20th St. and 4760 S. 20th St.

  • 1909 W. Layton Ave.

    1081 W. Layton Ave. and 1909 W. Layton Ave. Photo by Jeramey Jannene.