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Recent Press Releases Referencing John K. MacIver Institute of Public Policy

AFP-WI and MacIver Institute Ask Legislature To Rethink Move to Resurrect New Deal Conservation Corps

It seems that some Wisconsin lawmakers are so nostalgic for the old days of the Great Depression

State Rep. Bob Donovan

Referendum push will be key focus at tonight’s anti-streetcar project rally at Serb Hall

Alderman Bob Donovan will introduce an item for immediate adoption at Tuesday’s full Common Council meeting that (if approved) would require city employees to cease and desist from performing any tasks related to the downtown streetcar project until a majority of Milwaukee voters approve a referendum question asking whether they support construction of the massive public project.

State Rep. Bob Donovan

Alderman Donovan to announce new efforts in fight against streetcar

Alderman Bob Donovan will hold a news conference at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow (Thursday, August 16) to announce new efforts in his bid to derail the proposed downtown streetcar project.

People Associated With John K. MacIver Institute of Public Policy