Kory Kozloski, executive director of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

Content referencing Kory Kozloski

Mandela Barnes Raises Over $1.23 Million in Q4 With Average Donation Under $50
Press Release

Mandela Barnes Raises Over $1.23 Million in Q4 With Average Donation Under $50

Since Launching Mandela Has Raised Over $2.3 Million With Nearly 50,000 Individual Donations

Economic Experts Say Senator Johnson’s Offshore Tax Haven Raises Serious Ethical Questions
Press Release

Economic Experts Say Senator Johnson’s Offshore Tax Haven Raises Serious Ethical Questions

Comes after revelations that Senator Johnson invested in an offshore tax scheme in Ireland

Questions Senator Johnson Has Refused to Answer About His Possibly Illegal $10 Million Payout From Pacur
Press Release

Questions Senator Johnson Has Refused to Answer About His Possibly Illegal $10 Million Payout From Pacur

Rather than come clean, Johnson continues to refuse to release an agreement with Pacur that could clear up the serious charges.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Files Senate Ethics Complaint Against Sen. Johnson
Press Release

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Files Senate Ethics Complaint Against Sen. Johnson

Complaint: $10 Million Corporate Payout Violated Multiple Federal Election Laws and May Have Violated Financial Disclosure Laws

Walker Administration, JFC Republicans Must Educate Wisconsinites on Photo ID Law
Press Release

Walker Administration, JFC Republicans Must Educate Wisconsinites on Photo ID Law

GAB requests $250,000 from Joint Finance Committee To Educate Voters

Scott Walker and Republican Leader’s Failing Grades on Funding the UW-System
Press Release

Scott Walker and Republican Leader’s Failing Grades on Funding the UW-System

With one exception every UW school has seen a cut of at least $1.6 million dollars.

Scott Walker Joins the Party of Trump
Press Release

Scott Walker Joins the Party of Trump

Some have speculated that Walker’s recent actions are aimed at keeping his name in consideration for the Vice Presidency spot on the ticket.

Republican Tax Giveaways Force UW Budget Cuts
Press Release

Republican Tax Giveaways Force UW Budget Cuts

UW-Green Bay, UWM, and UW-Madison have all reported on the negative impacts Walker’s budget cuts are having on their ability to provide a quality education to their students.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on Right to Work ruling
Press Release

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on Right to Work ruling

"Today’s ruling confirms what families across the state have known for over a year now - that the so-called “Right to Work” legislation is an unlawful attack on wages and workplace rights.'

Thanks a lot, Ron Johnson: Supreme Court Issues First 4-4 Tie Since Passing of Justice Scalia
Press Release

Thanks a lot, Ron Johnson: Supreme Court Issues First 4-4 Tie Since Passing of Justice Scalia

Sen. Johnson has expressed zero concern for this kind of scenario.

5 questions Wisconsin needs Justice Rebecca Bradley to answer
Press Release

5 questions Wisconsin needs Justice Rebecca Bradley to answer

“Justice Bradley's vague explanations haven't passed the smell test so far,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Kory Kozloski said

Sen. Ron Johnson Should Denounce Justice Rebecca Bradley’s Comments
Press Release

Sen. Ron Johnson Should Denounce Justice Rebecca Bradley’s Comments

Voters deserve to know if Sen. Johnson thinks Justice Bradley can be a fair and impartial justice on the high court.

WisGOP Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley’s Hate Speech Revealed
Press Release

WisGOP Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley’s Hate Speech Revealed

In her writings, Bradley mocks the LGBT community and those suffering from AIDS, describing them as "queers", "degenerates" and "murderers".

For Johnson, Wisconsin’s Opioid Crisis “A Huge Problem” He’ll Do Nothing About
Press Release

For Johnson, Wisconsin’s Opioid Crisis “A Huge Problem” He’ll Do Nothing About

When faced with a chance to act on this crisis, today Johnson again chose inaction.

Sen. Ron Johnson: Strict Obstructionist
Press Release

Sen. Ron Johnson: Strict Obstructionist

Johnson Spent Entire Term Blocking 7th Circuit Court of Appeals

Wisconsinites Deserve to Know Where Rep. Sean Duffy Stands On GOP Obstruction To SCOTUS Nominee
Press Release

Wisconsinites Deserve to Know Where Rep. Sean Duffy Stands On GOP Obstruction To SCOTUS Nominee

The President has a constitutional responsibility to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, and the Senate has an obligation to vote on that nominee.

Once again, Senator Ron Johnson won’t do his job
Press Release

Once again, Senator Ron Johnson won’t do his job

Now he's demanding that the president and the entire United States Senate not do their jobs as well.

Cruz or Trump… Trump or Cruz…
Press Release

Cruz or Trump… Trump or Cruz…

Either Would Be Good Soulmate for Senator Johnson

Statement on Retirement of Congressman Reid Ribble
Press Release

Statement on Retirement of Congressman Reid Ribble

"With over 70 percent of Americans disapproving of the job Republicans are doing leading Congress, it's no surprise that Congressman Ribble doesn't want to face the voters in 2016."

Ron Johnson comes under fire for being MIA at committee hearings in first four years
Press Release

Ron Johnson comes under fire for being MIA at committee hearings in first four years

Senator Johnson missed 60% of the hearings held by the homeland security committee and the subcommittees to which he was assigned during his first four years in office.

Right-Wing Front Group Highlights Sen. Ron Johnson’s Hypocrisy
Press Release

Right-Wing Front Group Highlights Sen. Ron Johnson’s Hypocrisy

Previously, Johnson's office claimed the complaints were referred to an oversight committee, an intentionally misleading statement.

Minnesota Launches Student Loan Refinancing Program
Press Release

Minnesota Launches Student Loan Refinancing Program

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his allies in the legislature have continued their staunch opposition to loan refinancing for borrowers in Wisconsin.

The Source of Ron Johnson’s Conspiracy Theory Revealed!
Press Release

The Source of Ron Johnson’s Conspiracy Theory Revealed!

Johnson taking his cues from Ben Carson and Rick Santorum on EMP "threat"

Are you kidding me? Sen. Ron Johnson calls Gov. Nikki Haley An Immigrant. She’s not.