Content referencing Marvin Jones

Entrepreneurs Pitch Ideas At Conference

Entrepreneurs Pitch Ideas At Conference

St. Ann’s Center’s north-side campus provides incubator for possible start-up businesses.

North Side Business Incubator Builds 53206
Press Release

North Side Business Incubator Builds 53206

Twelve entrepreneurs from Aldermanic District 15 presented their business plans to a panel of investors, lawyers and mentors.

$10,000 Awarded to Community Artists for Performance Ideas in the ARTery, New Park in Harambee
Press Release

$10,000 Awarded to Community Artists for Performance Ideas in the ARTery, New Park in Harambee

Community members dreamed up 116 ideas in response, and after an open jury hosted at All People’s Church, beintween awarded a total of $10,000 to the top 20 winners.