Bonnie Margulis, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice President.

Content referencing Bonnie Margulis

Bipartisan Bills Reform Payday Loans

Bipartisan Bills Reform Payday Loans

Average annual interest rate for payday loans in Wisconsin topped 850% in 2022.

Religious Leaders Denounce Christian Nationalism

Religious Leaders Denounce Christian Nationalism

Milwaukeeans representing Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Roman Catholic and Unitarian congregations gathered Thursday to launch "We All Belong" campaign.

Ministers Plan to Stand Watch At Polls

Ministers Plan to Stand Watch At Polls

Members of Faiths United to Save Democracy will support voters, election workers at urban polling places in state.

Statement: State transportation budget is most harmful in a decade
Press Release

Statement: State transportation budget is most harmful in a decade

Transportation advocates condemn unprecedented cuts to Milwaukee and Madison transit systems while green-lighting the unnecessary I-94 E/W highway expansion project

New Voices Join Voting Rights Battle

New Voices Join Voting Rights Battle

Business leaders, faith groups and the disabled oppose bills creating barriers to voting.

Op Ed: State’s Faith Leaders Decry Anti-Voter Bills
Op Ed

State’s Faith Leaders Decry Anti-Voter Bills

88 faith leaders and 17 faith organizations decry state bills making it harder to vote

Religious Leaders Back Safer At Home Extension

Religious Leaders Back Safer At Home Extension

An interfaith coalition criticized the state GOP's lawsuit seeking to dismiss the order.

Bill Curbing Evers’ Power Moves to Legislature

Bill Curbing Evers’ Power Moves to Legislature

All 12 Republicans on Joint Finance back plan to reduce governor’s power, restrict early voting.

Baldwin, Casey, Brown Take Action Against Childhood Poverty
Press Release

Baldwin, Casey, Brown Take Action Against Childhood Poverty

Wisconsin’s child poverty rate ranks 21st in the nation