Michael Timm
A Fish Story

How the Kletzsch Fishway Was Created

And how it will change the Milwaukee River and its fish.

By - Jan 19th, 2024 10:23 am

And how it will change the Milwaukee River and its fish. Back to the full article.

Beth Wentzel, senior project manager with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, oversees the engineering of the Kletzsch fishway. Through the Waterway Restoration Partnership, MMSD is also working on fish passage solutions for Estabrook Falls and the former North Avenue Dam.

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Beth Wentzel, senior project manager with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, oversees the engineering of the Kletzsch fishway. Through the Waterway Restoration Partnership, MMSD is also working on fish passage solutions for Estabrook Falls and the former North Avenue Dam. Photo by Michael Timm.