Spencer Alleges Multiple City Hall Politicians Face Criminal Probes
Which officials? What are the charges? Who is investigating? City Attorney won't say.
City Attorney Tearman Spencer is never one to hold a dull press conference. On Monday morning he dropped a bombshell: multiple people inside City Hall are under investigation.
“There is a number of people, alderman, elected officials, that will be under investigation,” said Spencer.
“I can only tell you of the investigation, to tell you more would compromise the investigation,” said Spencer.
What did those unidentified elected officials do?
“There is a litany of activities, allegations, statements that need to be looked into,” said the City Attorney.
For how long has this been going on?
“Well, that’s a good question. This has been going on I think for a while,” said Spencer. “You have to allow a person to commit certain acts. Someone brings up a new idea or issue that something is occurring you have to have time to investigation.” He said some of the activities have been ongoing since he was first elected in April 2020.
But isn’t suggesting illegal activity by elected officials innuendo?
“Absolutely not,” said Spencer. “It’s not innuendo because I’m not privy to telling you what information or what allegations have been made in this case. Whether or not I should be telling you who said what when is not your concern.”
When will it be the public’s concern?
“After the investigation concluded then it will become your concern. Until that time we will not spread rumors about something other than investigations are underway,” said Spencer. “I hope that makes it very clear for you.”
Spencer Accuses Bauman of “Illegal Activity”
While Spencer’s press conference leaves far more questions than answers, it is clear who at least one of the individuals reportedly under investigation is: Alderman Robert Bauman.
Spencer spent the first half of his press conference detailing his longstanding concerns with Bauman’s 2021 amendment to The Couture development agreement (more on this in a separate article). The City Attorney alleges Bauman violated the city and state ethics laws, a Wisconsin law on impact fees, the state constitution and the U.S. Constitution when he directly negotiated with developer Rick Barrett to contribute $100,000 to an anti-displacement fund in exchange for the city modifying the development agreement in a way that otherwise benefitted Barrett.
“Let me tell you. This illegal activity must stop. We must bring awareness to it and stop it,” said Spencer.
He said he will contact the U.S. Attorney General, Wisconsin Attorney General, and Wisconsin Ethics Commission. He would neither confirm nor deny if those entities were involved in any of the other negotiations.
Is Common Council President and Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson concerned by the investigations? “The mayor is confident he has acted appropriately,” said a spokesperson, declining further comment on Spencer’s remarks.
More about the Turmoil at the City Attorney's Office
- Former City Attorney Pleads Not Guilty, Case Bound Over For Trial - Jeramey Jannene - Feb 26th, 2025
- Judge Rules Tearman Spencer Criminal Case Will Move Forward - Graham Kilmer - Jan 30th, 2025
- Court Finds Probable Cause In Spencer Misconduct Case - Graham Kilmer - Nov 5th, 2024
- Former City Attorney Tearman Spencer Charged with Felony Misconduct - Jeramey Jannene - Oct 2nd, 2024
- Tearman Spencer’s Deputy Criminally Charged With Misconduct in Public Office - Jeramey Jannene - Jun 27th, 2024
- Evan Goyke Ousts Tearman Spencer As City Attorney - Jeramey Jannene - Apr 2nd, 2024
- City Spends $77,000 To Resolve Harassment Claim Against Spencer - Jeramey Jannene - Mar 19th, 2024
- City Hall: Milwaukee Will Pay More Than $60,000 To Settle Tearman Spencer Harassment Claim - Jeramey Jannene - Feb 21st, 2024
- How Will Council Handle Scathing Report on City Attorney? - Jeramey Jannene - Nov 14th, 2023
- City Attorney Spencer Faces Inspector’s Call For Ouster, Likely Violation Of Discrimination Law - Jeramey Jannene - Nov 9th, 2023
Read more about Turmoil at the City Attorney's Office here
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- February 20, 2016 - Cavalier Johnson received $250 from Robert Bauman
See this is the kind of drama our fair city doesn’t need. By all means law breakers should be prosecuted, but press conferences with no actual information stinks of something else.
If bribes and hush money have been flowing through City Hall, then the details should be brought to daylight… and the criminals should be prosecuted and serve time in prison.
And there are 921 known communists in the State Department. Innuendo and unsubstantiated allegations are tools aimed at destroying reputations and evening scores without offering proof. That usually results in the eventual ouster of the accuser.
Mr. Tearman gives the appearance of a McCarthyesque turkey waiting to be plucked. Unfortunately we’ll have to listen his squawks and gobbles while the deep fryer heats up.
Mr. Terarman should start working with Wisconsin’s other legal judicial idiot, former Justice Gableman, and learn his investigative techniques. He might also be helped by endorsements from the My Pillow guy and Assembly Representative Timothy Ramthun.