Splash Studio
Sells kits with all the supplies needed to create art at home, some with wine included.
What is your business’ name?
What is your business address?
1815 E. Kenilworth Pl. Milwaukee, WI, 53212
What hours are you currently open?
Daily from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
What safety protocols is your business currently taking to keep your staff and customers safe?
Splash Studio is closed to the public. We are taking all orders online and offering contactless pick-up, delivery and shipping.
Tell us about any specials you’re offering…
Splash Studio is offering new Take & Make Packages for creating at home. Kits include all supplies needed for paintings (with instructional videos available online), cross-stitch, wood signs and string art.
Why should I order from Splash Studio?
Creating art is a great escape during this time. We have taken the guesswork out of creating a piece you’ll be proud of by bringing the experience of Splash Studio to your home. Order for yourself, or ship to family or friends throughout the country.
What’s the best thing on your menu?
The Party of Two is the most popular! It includes painting supplies for two, a bottle of wine and bag of Lush popcorn.
In what format are you open?
– Delivery
– Carryout
– Curbside Pickup
– Shipping throughout the continental USA
How can someone order from you?
How has the shutdown impacted the business?
All of the Bars & Recreation facilities (AXE MKE, Nine Below, NorthSouth Club and Splash Studio) are closed. We do not have kitchens, so the Splash Studio Take & Make Projects are the only offering we currently have available.
Do you have any GoFundMe, online donations, gift card and merch purchases that will help support your staff?
Gift cards and merchandise are available here
What forms of payment do you offer?
– Card
If your city of Milwaukee business is offering carryout, takeout or delivery during the pandemic and want to be featured, please fill out this form.
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