MillerCoors Loves Scott Walker
He gets $72,000 from its employees and $32,000 from Mills Fleet Farm.

Governor Scott Walker at the 10th Street Brewery Expansion Groundbreaking. Photo by Jeramey Jannene.
Republican Gov. Scott Walker recently celebrated expansion plans with a couple of companies whose employees contributed more than $100,000 to his campaign.
Last Friday, Walker was in Milwaukee where MillerCoors broke ground to expand its 10th Street Brewery.
MillerCoors employees contributed about $72,000 between January 2010 and December 2016 to Walker’s three campaigns for governor. Topping the list of MillerCoors executives who contributed to Walker were:
Katherine (Kelly) Grebe, of Mequon, a Miller attorney, and her husband, Michael M., $12,500;
Michael Jones, of Delafield, a former Miller public relations executive, $8,500.
Walker also showed up in Chippewa Falls for the groundbreaking of a Mills Fleet Farm distribution center. Walker received $32,675 between January 2010 and December 2016, mostly from the Mills family, who sold the hardware store chain last year. The contributors were:
Stewart and Sandra Mills, of Menasha, $29,550;
Henry Mills, of Brainerd, Minn., $3,000;
Brian Mathes, of Hilbert, an analyst, $125.
10th Street Brewery Groundbreaking Photos
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Perhaps it is time to stop buying Miller
Would never buy their watered down beer in the first place. It doesn’t surprise me that their rich executives are Walker lovers.
Would this be news worthy if they gave to Democrats. Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, William Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison are the top five riches Americans. All white, all male and give to Democrats and Democrats protect them and their wealth. Democrats protect the wealthiest.
It IS news, Jason, or else you wouldn’t have known about it.
Explain to us please, Jason, why you are so impressed by tu quoque arguments.
Jason is the king of false equivalencies and changing the subject. A story about gerrymandering in Wisconsin? Hey look Illinois! Corporate cash to Walker? Hey look a few rich guys give to progressive causes!
A few rich, white guys Vince together worth a quarter of a Trillion dollars.
Keep chasing the squirrels, Jason. You’ll get one someday.
What does that have to do with corporate donations to Scott Walker?