Best Recap Ever
Neil Diamond wasn't the only one tweeting about Milwaukee during Summerfest. Check out the best tweets from Summerfest's biggest names.

(Photo: Brian Jacobson)
11 days of live music with more than 700 bands and artists on more than a dozen stages at Henry Maier Festival Park has come to an end. It was a hot, sweaty 11 days as triple-digit temperatures swept through the city, but that didn’t stop all of the fun at Summerfest 2012.
But wait! There’s more! See nearly 100 photos in TCD’s Summerfest Photo Gallery. Photos by Angela Morgan, Lacy Landre, Brian Jacobson and Garrett Katerzynske.
Follow TCD on Twitter @TCDigest. Follow Dan Shafer on Twitter at @danshaferMKE. Keep up with TCD all summer with the hashtag #TCDSummer.
[View the story “Summerfest 2012” on Storify]