August 10-16
Monday, August 10
Milwaukee Area Teachers of Art
August 10- Sept. 11
Reuss Federal Plaza
310 W. Wisconsin Ave.
MATA strives to further the interests of artists and art educators in the Milwaukee community through its schools and works to provide an environment where its members can grow and help to keep Art Education at the top of the list in our city’s public schools. These innovative educators are presenting a group exhibition that opens today and will be on view through the month of September.
Tuesday, August 11
Pecha Kucha
8PM * $12
Sugar Maple
441 E. Lincoln Ave.
You know the drill by now: each presenter gets 20 slides at 20 seconds each to fully explore their given topic. PK #5 will be hosted by Bay View’s beer-tastic (and smoke-free) Sugar Maple, and will feature stories from a wide range of Milwaukee voices, and if it’s anything like PK’s previous, prepare to laugh, cry and maybe even gain a different point of view.
Thursday, August 13
August 13-16
Henry Maier Festival Park
200 N. Harbor Dr.
There are only two times per year when everyone’s Irish: St. Patrick’s Day and Irish Fest! Grab your shillelaghs and prime your guts up for an entire weekend of whiskeys, Guinness and more corned beef than I’d like to imagine. Check out the Jameson Lounge (aka, my new home), a whole brood of Celtic Canines and the Irish baking contest to fill up on delicious soda biscuits.
Friday, August 14
The Big Sheboygan Shebang
John Michael Kohler Arts Center
826 N. Eighth St., Sheboygan
The Kohler Center hosts this annual vaudevillian extravaganza, complete with marching bands, choral singers, tap dancing ventriloquists, high-flying acrobats and a freakin’ alligator wrestler! Besides, how can you turn down an event with the word “shebang” in the title?
Daniel Johnston
7PM * $24.50
Turner Hall Ballroom
1032 N. 4th Street
The last time Daniel Johnston came to Milwaukee, there was a lot of speculation prior to the show about how things would actually go down. I mean, it’s one thing to watch the film and kind of fall in love with the quirky foibles of a seemingly brilliant, albeit bi-polar, artist. It’s another thing to be in an intimate setting at his shows when anything can happen. Any nay-sayers were quickly proven wrong, and the show was an amazing success. If you missed the last go-around, don’t make the same mistake twice!
Saturday, August 15
Estabrook Park Clean-up
Estabrook Park
4616 Estabrook Pkwy
Get your hands dirty this weekend — for a good cause! Join your pals in Estabrook Park for a good old-fashioned clean-up and do your part to help keep Milwaukee’s public parks beautiful.
1PM-4PM * $50
MSOE Kern Center
RedLine Milwaukee along with DefenseWORKS presents a one-day self defense seminar just for women. DefenseWORKS was created by Wesley Manko, Milwaukee’s only certified instructor in Systema, the Russian Martial Arts practice. This seminar is designed to educate women about practical and empowering self-defense techniques and a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit RedLine, Milwaukee’s latest resource for artists. Sign up before August 11 and pay a discounted price of $30.