Update on Pabst Farms
Loyal readers, I apologize on not keeping you up-to-date with the latest in white flight trends… that being the development of Pabst Farms. The last time I reported on Pabst Farms, they (Pabst Farms Development Inc) were announcing that a new developer, Developers Diversified Realty, to create the sprawl mall.
Developers Diversified Realty announced their plans almost two months ago (yes, I’m playing catch up).
It’s really a shame that the use of the Pabst name here will taint the image of the real development happening at the old Pabst brewery on the edge of urban Milwaukee.
Yea the big sign is their idea of a welcoming environment.
I reckon there might be some funny civil disobedience campaigns that could be done here. Anyone got some ideas?