2 Mile Challenge
Originally uploaded by ClifBar&Co
The 2 Mile Challenge is an excellent idea that I happened to stumble across on the internets. As the site states “40% of United States urban travel is 2 miles or less. Ride your bike to fight global warming.”
Their site draws a two-mile circle around your house using Google Maps and challenges you to make all the trips inside that circle by car bicycle (or by foot).
I already engage in this practice, do you? With the soaring cost of gas, what do you have to lose?
Update: Brian Head was the first reader to point out that I advocated using cars for short trips on accident, instead of long ones. I need to quit writing at 4 a.m.
This is an excellent point. A good quality of life includes not driving your car an hour plus everyday to work. This is a great example of how flexcar or carshare can become a wonderful option for people.
Hey Dave, check out http://www.walkscore.com