Content referencing Myranda Tanck

State High Court Asked to Rule On Marsy’s Law

State High Court Asked to Rule On Marsy’s Law

Appeals court won’t decide suit, citing little case law whether voters on ballot question fully informed.

Homeowners Near Foxconn Say They Were Misled

Homeowners Near Foxconn Say They Were Misled

Now their homes are gone for road widenings that never happened.

Wisconsin Women in Government Announces 2019-2020 Board of Directors and Leadership Team
Wisconsin Women in Government Announces 2017-2018 Board of Directors and Leadership Team
Press Release

Wisconsin Women in Government Announces 2017-2018 Board of Directors and Leadership Team

WWIG is also pleased to announce its new leadership for this year's Board of Directors.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Love Photo ID
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Love Photo ID

It may not make a huge difference in the vote. Just enough to win.

Legislature Won’t Fund Voter ID Education

Legislature Won’t Fund Voter ID Education

Law changing voter ID rules mandated public service ad campaign but has allocated no money.

Wisconsin Women in Government Announces 2016 Board of Directors and Leadership Team
Press Release

Wisconsin Women in Government Announces 2016 Board of Directors and Leadership Team

Wisconsin Women in Government was founded in 1987 to celebrate and support the talented women who choose a career in government service.

Senate may take up zombie homes bill

Senate may take up zombie homes bill

Controversy Over Assembly Members Per Diems

Controversy Over Assembly Members Per Diems

Is the 56% increase in legislators' daily expenses "outrageous" or overdue?