Michael H. Carriere, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Director, MSOE University Scholars Honors Program.

Content referencing Michael H. Carriere

Op Ed: Who’s Overseeing Washington Park Changes?
Op Ed

Who’s Overseeing Washington Park Changes?

Granting so much power to Urban Ecology Center might be a mistake, violating Olmsted’s vision for the park.

Op-Ed: Bucks Will Privatize a Public Space

Bucks Will Privatize a Public Space

Team will take over 4th Street and can even charge fees to events held there.

Will Bucks’ Plaza Be Public or Private?

Will Bucks’ Plaza Be Public or Private?

Team wants 4th Street closed, but will this create a town square or just team profits?

Vacating Fourth Street for a Bucks plaza would be drastic and risky
Press Release

Vacating Fourth Street for a Bucks plaza would be drastic and risky

Vacating any downtown street involves major ramifications for current and future transportation and land use.