Content referencing John Delaney

Data Wonk: Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump
Data Wonk

Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump

Weld and Walsh barred from Republican presidential primary in state’s Spring election. Why?

New Marquette Law School Poll finds no change in impeachment views following end of public testimony
New Marquette Law School Poll finds shifts in Wisconsin public opinion favorable to President Trump on impeachment and presidential election preferences
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds shifts in Wisconsin public opinion favorable to President Trump on impeachment and presidential election preferences

Trump holds small leads over each of four top Democratic candidates for president in head-to-head matchups in the new survey

New Marquette Law School Poll finds increased support for Trump impeachment hearings since the spring, while opinions about Trump have changed little
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds increased support for Trump impeachment hearings since the spring, while opinions about Trump have changed little

When asked if Trump should be impeached and removed from office, 44 percent say that Trump should be removed.

New Marquette Law School Poll finds Biden leading Trump in head-to-head presidential match in Wisconsin
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds Biden leading Trump in head-to-head presidential match in Wisconsin

Biden is most popular choice in the Democratic primary field, while full sample of voters split sharply by partisanship on Trump and the economy

Sanders Leads Dems in State Funds Raised

Sanders Leads Dems in State Funds Raised

Warren is second, Buttigieg third, in state donations to presidential primary candidates.