Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: State Far Behind on Renewable Energy
Murphy’s Law

State Far Behind on Renewable Energy

Report finds Minnesota has 5 times more wind power, 16 times more solar than Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid

And reduce Medicaid. Working with Koch groups, they push Trump to slash safety net.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Will Make Coffee Houses!
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Will Make Coffee Houses!

Er, make that coffee hauses. Run by robots. And made to order in “Wisconn Valley.”

Murphy’s Law: State Helps Fund Murky Pro-Life Group
Murphy’s Law

State Helps Fund Murky Pro-Life Group

What exactly does Choose Life Wisconsin do with the money it gets?

Back in the News: Key Foxconn Executive Steps Down
Back in the News

Key Foxconn Executive Steps Down

Ever-shrinking project loses second key executive this year.

Murphy’s Law: Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State
Murphy’s Law

Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State

Tying hands of Attorney General stalls 15 lawsuits, could cost taxpayers millions.

Murphy’s Law: Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?
Murphy’s Law

Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?

Another easy win seems certain. Which may not be so good for Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site

Claims Wisconsin Examiner is “partisan” and “slanted” but provides not one example.

Murphy’s Law:  Foxconn’s Gift from Electric Customers
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn’s Gift from Electric Customers

Why are state customers paying $117 million -- or more -- for unneeded power upgrades?

Murphy’s Law: Flip-Flop on Mine Threatens State Waters
Murphy’s Law

Flip-Flop on Mine Threatens State Waters

Why the sudden change to approve copper-zinc mine? Will it pollute Lake Michigan?

Murphy’s Law: CEO Pay Has Risen 940% Since 1978
Murphy’s Law

CEO Pay Has Risen 940% Since 1978

While average worker pay rose only 12%, new study finds.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Journal Sentinel Won’t Die
Murphy’s Law

Why the Journal Sentinel Won’t Die

And why it may not matter to news readers.