The Wisconsin Jobs Mystery
How can unemployment be low when jobs growth is so low?
As the previous Data Wonk column discussed, Wisconsin job growth has been mediocre since Gov. Scott Walker took office. This conclusion is clear whether our job growth is compared to Walker’s promises or to the track record of other states.
A major promise that helped Walker win office was his pledge to create 250,000 new private sector jobs in his first term. Instead, Wisconsin private job growth has been 220,000 as of this September and, at the present rate, it is uncertain whether the governor’s promise will be fulfilled by the end of his second term.
Jobs have grown in Wisconsin, but at a rate that lags the average state in the U.S. As a result, Wisconsin’s share of U.S. jobs has been on a steady decline while he has been governor.
Understandably Walker and his advocates have recently turned to measures that put the Wisconsin economy in more favorable light. One is the unemployment rate. Here is a March press release from the Republican Governors Association:
Thanks to Governor Scott Walker’s pro-jobs leadership, Wisconsin keeps on winning.
New unemployment numbers show Wisconsin’s unemployment rate has dropped to 3.7 percent, the lowest its [sic] been since 2000. When Governor Walker took office, the state’s unemployment rate had grown to 8.1%. Today, its more than 5 points lower.
The casual reader may come away with the impression that the unemployment rate was growing until Walker took over. In fact, for the previous year, the rate had been shrinking, from its peak recession high of 9.2%.
The more interesting question is what explains, and what are the implications of, Wisconsin’s recent low unemployment rate which hit a low of 3.1 percent in May and June before bouncing back to 3.5 percent in September. The chart below shows the unemployment rate for Wisconsin, Minnesota, 4 Great Lakes states (Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio), and the U.S.
This chart creates a bit of a mystery. How could Minnesota, with greater job growth than Wisconsin, end up with a higher unemployment rate? For that matter, how could Wisconsin, with job growth since the recession that puts it below two thirds of the states in the nation, arrive at an unemployment rate well below the US as a whole? To examine this question, let’s start with how jobs and unemployment rate is calculated.
When the US Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes monthly employment data, the numbers come from two different surveys. The jobs numbers come from an “establishment survey” of approximately 147,000 businesses and government agencies.
But the unemployment numbers are calculated from a different survey, of households, done by the Census Bureau. People are asked whether they are working or looking for work. If they answer yes to either of these, they are counted as employed. If they answer no to the first question, and yes to the second they are counted among the unemployed. The labor force is the sum of the employed and unemployed. The unemployment rate is calculated by dividing the number unemployed by the labor force.
The next chart shows the results of the two surveys for Wisconsin while Walker has been governor. The solid line is the Wisconsin labor force since 2003. The dotted line is the number of employed people. The space between these two lines is the number of unemployed. At the bottom, the dashed line is the number of non-farm jobs.
Even though the employment and the jobs estimates come from two different surveys, they track each other most of the time. An exception is the recent peak in employment (dotted line) as measured by the household survey while the establishment survey showed little growth in jobs.
The household survey uses a somewhat unusual sampling method. Once a household is selected, it is surveyed over four months and then dropped. It is then surveyed for the same four months of the following year and then dropped completely.
The downside is that a non-representative sample will affect the results over four months. This may be the explanation for the recent jump in reported employment—and the resulting drop in the unemployment rate. Once this group of households is gone from the survey, it is likely the unemployment rate for Wisconsin will return to some number closer to 4 percent as it is replaced by groups more representative of the population.
There is general agreement that a healthy economy will have some level of unemployment, called the “natural rate of unemployment” or “frictional unemployment.” The problem is deciding what level of unemployment represents full employment.
Something called the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU) is used by the Congressional Budget Office and others as the lower limit on unemployment. As the name implies, it is an estimate of how low unemployment can fall without accelerating inflation.
The next chart shows the historical record of unemployment in the US, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. For comparison, NAIRU is also included.
As this chart shows, unemployment rates in Wisconsin and Minnesota have usually been below the national average. They have often been below the NAIRU as well. Today’s low unemployment is hardly unprecedented.
The question is how weak job growth can be consistent with a low unemployment rate. This gets to questions of how unemployment is calculated and what contributes to frictional unemployment.
Some frictional unemployment is voluntary. A person quits an unfulfilling job while searching for the right opportunity. That person is counted as both part of the work force and unemployed. Weak job growth may make people reluctant to give up even part-time employment until a new job is at hand.
Other groups are new workers, such as recent graduates and those reentering the workforce after stopping work to raise children, get married or care for elderly relatives, who now want to re-enter the workforce. If they move to another state because they perceive it as more favorable, Wisconsin’s unemployment rate will go down and the other state’s will rise.
As the next chart (based on IRS data, comparing 2014 returns to the same people in 2015) shows, Wisconsin is a net exporter of people.
The next chart shows the average adjusted gross income for Wisconsinites who stayed put (in blue), those who moved within Wisconsin (brown), those moving to other states (yellow), and people from other states to Wisconsin (green). The solid lines are their 2014 income; the dotted lines are for 2015.
For younger people, there is not a lot of difference in income between those who move from the state and those who don’t. The differences get much starker with age. Those moving within Wisconsin fare worse, perhaps reflecting the effect of evictions or other moves forced by finances. The most prosperous middle-agers are those leaving Wisconsin. It would be useful, I think, to better understand the reasons for these moves.
Another possible cause is structural unemployment, where workers’ skills do not match the needs of employers. The level of complaints from businesses that they are unable to expand in Wisconsin because of a lack of skills suggests that this is a factor. To the extent that these workers give up looking for a job, they are not counted among the unemployed.
Clearly, Wisconsin’s low unemployment rate does not stem from high job growth. Therefore, other causes need to be explored. Without further analysis, it is unknown whether those causes increase or decrease the well-being of Wisconsinites.
Data Wonk
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Conclusion: Career politician and big government nanny state control freak Scott Walker has been mooching off the big government dole for 25 years now and has never worked a single day in the private sector or in the free market. Not one single day in his adult life and now he wants to be Governor for Life, while the rest of us suffer, especially Northern WI where poverty and hopelessness are rampant due to NO jobs or business opportunities thanks to Walker’s anti-freedom, anti-personal choice, anti-small business, anti-entrepreneurship policies. Wisconsin is dead last in small business start ups. Wisconsin is dead last in entrepreneurship. Poverty rates are at 35 year highs in Wisconsin. Walker failed at creating 250k jobs. The jobs that have been created are low wage and lag far behind all our neighboring states. Walker succeeded at three things: 1) Mooching off the big government dole and making money for himself and his gaggle of creepy associates. 2) He succeeded in dividing Wisconsin. 3) He drove the state into the gutter economically. We’ve been Foxconned. Time to tell Walker to take a hike!
Have to agree with most of what Terry says. Remember how “we were broke” back in 2011. People were told they need to pay their fair share. Except is was never about that, it was about punishing enemies and rewarding friends. Why else would the first two year budget enacted by Walker actually increase spending compared to Doyle’s last budget? I thought he said we were broke. It was an obvious con by Walker. The inept and captured press in Wisconsin just kept falling for it.
Good point Ryan.
One only has to look at Walker’s legacy as county exec in Milwaukee county. That office was just a stepping stone for career politician Walker. Are his county exec staff members still serving time in prison for his corruption and wrong doings?
I actually voted for Walker when he first stepped onto stage to “save the day” after Ament resigned in disgrace. I eagerly met Walker and shook his hand. The hair on the back of my neck stood up which had never happened to me before or since. He just plain creeped me out at the visceral level even though I wanted to believe that he was this fresh new hope for Milwaukee county after the corrupt and self serving administration of Ament.
I’ve certainly learned from my mistake since then.
Walker doesn’t give a flying leap about anyone besides himself and his filthy rich donors. Walker is nothing but a charlatan and snake oil salesman. Too bad the gullible bumpkins in Wisconsin continue to fall for his phony Aw Mr. Nice Guy schtick.
What’s really absurd is Walter’s support of the fossil fuel industry especially oil. He loves those highways but he can’t raise the tax revenue to fix the roads. Roadways locally and throughout Wisconsin are deplorable! The WOW counties must be suspicious of all his borrowing to pay for his budget items like highways. The borrowing is a debt, you know like a deficit!
Bruce – thank you for a very insightful presentation of unemployment. I would suspect unemployed statuses in the outflows only account for a small decrease in total unemployment. At this stage of the employment recovery, the availability of jobs is not a major contributor, which rules out a number of factors. Looking at the unemployed counts against the size of the available workforce, we do in fact have very low unemployment. WI unemployment appears to have caught up with a slow growth job market.