Transportation: MCTS Halting Plans for Second Bus Rapid Transit Route

MCTS Halting Plans for Second Bus Rapid Transit Route

Citing fiscal concerns, transit officials plan to ask county board to pause rapid transit project.

Transportation: Make Your Opinion Known On Second BRT Line

Make Your Opinion Known On Second BRT Line

MCTS wants more public input before it begins detailed planning of the route.

Transportation: MCTS Seeking Board Approval For 27th Street BRT Line

MCTS Seeking Board Approval For 27th Street BRT Line

And unlike east-west line, Connect 2 wouldn't use battery electric buses.

Transportation: 27th Street Rapid Bus Route Would Launch In 2028

27th Street Rapid Bus Route Would Launch In 2028

MCTS working to enter federal grant process to develop second bus rapid transit line.

MKE County: Proposed North-South BRT Line Loses Southern Anchor
MKE County

Proposed North-South BRT Line Loses Southern Anchor

Northwestern Mutual's Franklin campus, with 2,000 employees, was supposed to be the southernmost stop on new bus rapid transit line.

Transportation: North-South BRT Plans Advancing in 2023

North-South BRT Plans Advancing in 2023

Transit officials will focus on new BRT project after East-West BRT launches in June.

Transportation: Proposed Route for North-South BRT Line Unveiled

Proposed Route for North-South BRT Line Unveiled

SEWRPC releases planned 27th Street bus rapid transit line plan.

Transportation: County Must Decide On North-South BRT

County Must Decide On North-South BRT

Project could be transformative, but $148 million price tag nearly twice that of East-West BRT.

Transportation: Milwaukee Studying Second BRT Line

Milwaukee Studying Second BRT Line

Bus rapid transit line on 27th St. could be up to 23 miles long at a cost of $177 million.

Transportation: 27th Street Study Seeks Public Input

27th Street Study Seeks Public Input

Regional planning commission expands public comment period to April 18th.

Transportation: 27th Street Next for Mass Transit Plan?

27th Street Next for Mass Transit Plan?

Bus rapid transit? Light rail line? County will hold public meetings to explore options.