Ryan Solen
Press Release

Where is Paul Ryan?

"Stop running all over the country and start serving the people who elected you."

By - Oct 4th, 2016 12:45 pm
Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan

Mount Pleasant, WI- Ryan Solen has something to say to Paul Ryan: stop running all over the country and start serving the people who elected you.

“[Paul Ryan] continues to ignore his home district, continues to ignore the real issues, and continues to ignore my requests for a debate. Tomorrow, he begins more campaigning for Republicans in other states. As a representative, what exactly is he representing?”

Paul Ryan is absent (yet again) from his Wisconsin district for the second time this week attending The Atlantic’s Washington Ideas Festival. He is zig-zagging across America helping his cohorts.

In October, Paul Ryan is VERY busy.  He flies to Michigan to help former Lt. Gen. Jack Bergman win retiring Rep. Dan Benishek’s seat.  He’s helping Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania and attending events there for Rep. Ryan Costello and first-time candidate Lloyd Smucker.

Paul Ryan is EVERYWHERE!

Paul Ryan in South Florida to help incumbent Rep. Carlos Curbelo! Paul Ryan in Texas to help Will Hurd! Paul Ryan in New York to help John Faso! Paul Ryan in Colorado for Mike Coffman! Paul Ryan to visit to California and stump for David Valadao! Paul Ryan at Freedom Caucus conservative fundraisers for Iowa’s Rod Bloom and New Jersey’s Scott Garrett! Paul Ryan in Nebraska to help Don Bacon!

Paul Ryan will also be visiting and campaigning with Sen. Rob Portman in Ohio. Then, there’s another trip to help Marco Rubio in Florida.

All in all, Paul Ryan will appear at 42 events in 17 states.

He returns to Wisconsin but not to campaign for himself or talk and listen to his constituents; rather, he is campaigning with Ron Johnson who is running against Russ Feingold. He’s going to help Mike Gallagher in a bid for retiring Rep. Reid Ribble’s seat. And, Paul Ryan will return to Wisconsin in early November to help Ron Johnson again.

So, Paul Ryan is coming to Wisconsin and he is too busy campaigning for others to spend even an hour to debate Ryan Solen?

Paul Ryan is not comfortable explaining to Ryan Solen why he is working so hard to privatize Social Security and cause the people he “represents” to lose medical coverage. So, he has to run all over the country to run away from answering to his constituents.

Paul Ryan won’t rule out a bid for presidency but won’t commit to it either because he’s non-committal about everything. Paul Ryan is trying to be too many things to too many people and failing at all of them. He’s got a million different faces and no one is sure which one is really his. He is sending emails soliciting campaign cash and has had numerous fundraisers to help Republican Senate candidates.

Where Paul Ryan ISN’T is where he should be: in Wisconsin campaigning and debating issues with Ryan Solen.

Paul Ryan wants to be everything to everyone and he’s not. He has big ideas but no ability to attend to the details to make those ideas reality. His spokesman, Brendan Buck says, “He intends to continue serving this team as Speaker in the next Congress.”

But who is he serving? Certainly not Wisconsin’s First District.

So, here’s your choice: vote for a “representative” who is never around to represent, or vote for veteran Ryan Solen who will make sure he remembers who voted him into office. Because Ryan Solen would make the needs of Wisconsin’s 1st District his highest priority rather than focusing on getting politicians in other states elected.

Don’t expect to see Paul Ryan in October—not even for one day in his own district—for his constituents to see him debate real issues with Ryan Solen.

About Ryan Solen

Ryan Solen is an Army veteran of the war in Iraq and is seeking to represent Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District. He is a Digital Forensic Specialist and Computer Security Analyst. He is a married father of four and enjoys reading, writing, doing karate with his family, and relieves stress with his vintage Lego collection.

He is the Wisconsin Democratic Party’s Nominee to run for the U.S. House of Representatives to replace Paul Ryan. For more information, please visit www.solenforcongress.com.

Committee to Elect Ryan Solen for Congress

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. myfivecents says:

    The only people Paul Ryan represents is first, himself, and second the Republican party. His constituents be damned. He has never done anything for his district. Not ever! Why is he even in government if he’s not going to work for the public. There is no public service from Paul Ryan for the general public.

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