
Pocan and Lowenthal Introduce Legislation Honoring 71st Anniversary of Human Rights Day and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Pocan and Lowenthal Introduce Legislation Honoring 71st Anniversary of Human Rights Day and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Pocan and Lowenthal’s legislation currently has the support of 27 other House Members.

‘Ludicrous’: Republicans Offer New Plan to Hike Tuition

Republicans Offer New Plan to Hike Tuition

Plan Comes on Heels of GOP Rejecting Help for Student Loan Borrowers, Refusing to Increase Financial Aid

Sensenbrenner Leads Effort to Rein in Unelected Bureaucrats
Dem. Legislators Introduce Unlock the Vote Package

Dem. Legislators Introduce Unlock the Vote Package

"Casting a vote is a civil right and is an essential component of our democracy."

Republicans Abandon Small Family Farmers

Republicans Abandon Small Family Farmers

Farmers are asking for our help, and the majority party’s inaction yesterday was absolutely a matter of abandoning our farmers by putting politics before their lives.

Steering & Rules Committee to discuss (CORE) development zone resolution promoting community benefits agreements
Senator Baldwin’s Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Broadband Access Passes Senate Commerce Committee

Senator Baldwin’s Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Broadband Access Passes Senate Commerce Committee

Baldwin joins colleagues in highlighting the need to close broadband gap and expand broadband services to rural communities in Wisconsin and throughout the country

Sensenbrenner Statement on Mueller Testimony: Case Closed
Sensenbrenner Statement on Mueller Testimony

Case Closed

"This case is closed."

Senator Baldwin and Representative Levin Lead Effort to Create New Partnership with States to Provide Students at Community Colleges and Technical Schools More Affordability
Mayor Tom Barrett released the following statement regarding streetcar expansion

Mayor Tom Barrett released the following statement regarding streetcar expansion

"Today’s decision makes it far more difficult for those benefits to ever fully reach the residents of Bronzeville, Walker’s Point and all of our other great neighborhoods."

Alexander, Logsdon, Sebring: Public Should be Allowed to Speak at County Board Meetings
Alexander, Logsdon, Sebring

Public Should be Allowed to Speak at County Board Meetings

"We should allow the public to share their views."

Capping the Price of Insulin in Wisconsin

Capping the Price of Insulin in Wisconsin

"Diabetic people need insulin no differently than you and I need food and water."