Mural contains hurtful, divisive words and images

Mural contains hurtful, divisive words and images

Statement of Milwaukee Common Council Members: Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderwoman Andrea M. Pratt, Alderman Mark Chambers, Jr., Alderperson Jonathan Brostoff, Alderman Robert J. Bauman,  Alderman DiAndre Jackson, Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa, Alderwoman Larresa Taylor, Alderwoman Sharlen P. Moore, Alderman Peter Burgelis, Alderman José G. Pérez, Alderman Scott Spiker, Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic, and Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II

Cudahy Man Sentenced to 15 Years’ Imprisonment on Gun and Drug Charges
Federal Authorities Working With Local Partners to Local Partners to Reduce Domestic Violence in Milwaukee

Federal Authorities Working With Local Partners to Local Partners to Reduce Domestic Violence in Milwaukee

U.S. Department of Justice Designates Milwaukee Under Section 1103 of the Violence Against Women Act, Prioritizing Firearms Prosecutions of Domestic Violence Offenders

Priscilla Coggs Jones – 2nd Vice Chair, District 13
MPS Statement on Status of School Resource Officer Program
Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment Launches Data Dashboard
Senator Baldwin Brings Home Over $13 Million for Wisconsin Tribes to Cut Energy Costs and Reduce Pollution
Improvements coming to E. North Ave. will benefit commuters, pedestrians & cyclists
City of Milwaukee Awarded $25 Million for Center Street Transformation
File introduced seeking ability to regulate or prohibit for-profit institutions of higher learning
Deadline for Late Lottery and Gaming Credit Applications is October 1, 2024

Deadline for Late Lottery and Gaming Credit Applications is October 1, 2024

Eight special daytime performances will bring over 10,000 area students to downtown Milwaukee to experience the performing arts

Statement on Hank “The Ballpark Pup”