The City of Milwaukee Election Commission released the following statement

The City of Milwaukee Election Commission released the following statement

“The city estimates that around 2,000 of 47,500 absentee ballots were reconstructed during the processing of absentee ballots.”

Milwaukee flexes its voting muscles in historic fashion

Milwaukee flexes its voting muscles in historic fashion

Statement of Alderman Cavalier Johnson - November 7, 2018

One Wisconsin Now Congratulates Gov-Elect Tony Evers and Lt. Gov.-Elect Mandela Barnes

One Wisconsin Now Congratulates Gov-Elect Tony Evers and Lt. Gov.-Elect Mandela Barnes

Record Early Vote Propels Democrats to State’s Top Offices

Thank you, poll workers – we are grateful!

Thank you, poll workers – we are grateful!

Statement of Alderman Terry L. Witkowski - November 6, 2018

Thursday: Ascension St. Joseph Fall Festival

Ascension St. Joseph Fall Festival

News release from Alderman Khalif J. Rainey

Board Adopts Supervisor Moore Omokunde Proposal to Decriminalize Marijuana

Board Adopts Supervisor Moore Omokunde Proposal to Decriminalize Marijuana

County Board Endorses Call for Expungement and Freedom for those Convicted of Marijuana Related Charges

November is Transgender Awareness Month

November is Transgender Awareness Month

Milwaukee Pride supports and honors our transgender family

Logsdon Budget Amendment Ensures Repairs to College Ave. Bridges

Logsdon Budget Amendment Ensures Repairs to College Ave. Bridges

"Before taking office this spring, I knew these bridges were in bad shape and that last year they had been delayed in favor of other projects."

Holiday Folk Fair International to Add Five to Wall of Fame

Holiday Folk Fair International to Add Five to Wall of Fame

Hours on Fri., Nov. 16 are 2 p.m. – 9 p.m.; 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 17; and 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Sun., Nov. 18.

Bronzeville Week celebration set for August 3 – 10, 2019

Bronzeville Week celebration set for August 3 – 10, 2019

News release from Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs

Thousands of Santas Invade the Streets of Milwaukee on Dec. 2, 2018

Thousands of Santas Invade the Streets of Milwaukee on Dec. 2, 2018

Registration open for 8th annual Santa Hustle at Veterans Park

Recognition of Native American Heritage Month

Recognition of Native American Heritage Month

A Statement by The City of Milwaukee Equal Rights Commission Monday, November 5, 2018