Green Bay City Councillor Randy Scannell, AFL-CIO State Treasurer Dennis Delie, Green Bay Area Resident With Pre-Existing Condition Sarah Conklin, Brown and Outagamie County Democrats, Working People Call Out Trump’s Numerous Broken Promises to Working People
Gov. Evers Takes Action on Six Bills
Black Nativity by Langston Hughes 2019 Holiday Musical Celebrates 5th Anniversary at Marcus Center’s Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall

Black Nativity by Langston Hughes 2019 Holiday Musical Celebrates 5th Anniversary at Marcus Center’s Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall

Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased in person at the Marcus Center Box Office at 929 North Water Street, Downtown Milwaukee.

Christmas with Cherish the Ladies at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center Dec. 8
Gov. Evers Signs Assembly Bill 132 Relating to the Regulation of E-Bikes

Gov. Evers Signs Assembly Bill 132 Relating to the Regulation of E-Bikes

“Electric bicycles are not only a fun alternative to regular bicycles, but they offer a more sustainable and accessible transportation option for Wisconsinites.”

New Marquette Law School Poll finds shifts in Wisconsin public opinion favorable to President Trump on impeachment and presidential election preferences

New Marquette Law School Poll finds shifts in Wisconsin public opinion favorable to President Trump on impeachment and presidential election preferences

Trump holds small leads over each of four top Democratic candidates for president in head-to-head matchups in the new survey

AG Kaul Announces Testing Complete for All Kits Designated for Testing and New SAKI Grant Awarded

AG Kaul Announces Testing Complete for All Kits Designated for Testing and New SAKI Grant Awarded

As of November 20, 2019, testing is complete for all kits designated for testing in the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative.

Gov. Evers Signs Assembly Bill 22 Requiring Human Trafficking Education for Commercial Drivers
December 6 deadline for $75 million local government transportation grants

December 6 deadline for $75 million local government transportation grants

The $75 million program will pay up to 90 percent of total eligible costs for a range of transportation projects.

SARA Investment Real Estate purchases Wauwatosa, Wis. office building

SARA Investment Real Estate purchases Wauwatosa, Wis. office building

Current tenants include Corix Infrastructure, Scottish Rite and Make-a-Wish.

2020 Budget Benefits County’s South Shore

2020 Budget Benefits County’s South Shore

"Despite the limits on our revenue and overall reduction in spending, there are several bright spots in the 2020 budget that South Shore that residents can look forward to."

Two 23 Buys Ziegler Candy Building

Two 23 Buys Ziegler Candy Building

Founders 3 Recent Transactions