Fitzgerald Tours Fort McCoy, Receives Briefing on Afghan Refugees
“I want to thank Major General Guthrie and the 88th Readiness Division for hosting me this afternoon, as well as the State Department staff who briefed us on the ongoing resettlement effort at Fort McCoy."
Aug 27th, 2021 by Jeramey JanneneIn Recognition of a Milwaukee Change Agent
Statement of Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs
Aug 27th, 2021 by Ald. Milele CoggsCounty Board of Supervisors Congratulate Colectivo Workers on Successful Union Election
Colectivo workers voted to join the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 494 which will develop the group's first negotiated contract, pending the election’s certification by the National Labor Relations Board.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Milwaukee County Board of SupervisorsSupervisor Czarnezki Calls on Colectivo Ownership to Bargain with Employees in Good Faith
Colectivo Coffee will likely be the largest café chain in the United States to organize.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Sup. Joe CzarnezkiGov. Evers Appoints Peter Rindal as Eau Claire County District Attorney
Gov. Evers’ appointment fills a vacancy created by the resignation of former District Attorney Gary King.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Gov. Tony EversThe Milky Way Tech Hub and Wisconsin Voices Presents Wisconsin Tech Month
To raise awareness of the critical importance of Information Technology in Wisconsin’s economy, the Milky Way Tech Hub, Wisconsin Voices, and other supporting organizations are presenting WI Tech Month in October 2021.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Milky Way Tech HubMPD Officer Involved Shooting
Statement from the Milwaukee Police Department
Aug 27th, 2021 by Milwaukee Police DepartmentThe 5th Annual Wisconsin IPA Fest Arrives Saturday
Saturday, August 28th, Third Space Brewing welcomes 49 Wisconsin breweries and over 150 beers for a unique beer festival.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Third Space BrewingWhat Harvesters And Hunters Should Know To Stay Safe And Protect Vulnerable Wild Rice Beds
Waterfowl hunters and wild rice harvesters both use Wisconsin’s native wild rice beds from late August through September.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Wisconsin Department of Natural ResourcesGov. Evers Announces Upgraded Bond Ratings for State of Wisconsin, State Continues to Make Economic Rebounds
Multiple ratings agencies upgrade Wisconsin's bond rating based on state's strong fiscal performance under Evers Administration
Aug 27th, 2021 by Gov. Tony EversHousing Resources Available For Residents in Wake of Supreme Court Decision
On Thursday, August 26 the Supreme Court ruled to end the eviction moratorium extension put in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Ald. Milele CoggsDSPS Secretary Dawn Crim Assembles Mass Timber Task Force, Looks to Distinguish the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code
The task force will meet virtually and is expected to generate a set of mass timber guidelines by year end.
Aug 27th, 2021 by Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services