Governor Walker Releases Statement on Scheduled Vote by U.S. House of Representatives to Overturn the Unemployment Insurance Drug Testing Rule
Governor Walker led a letter, along with three other governors, supporting H.J
Madison – Governor Scott Walker released the following statement today after Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced the U.S. House of Representatives will use the Congressional Review Act to overturn the unemployment insurance drug testing rule.
“This is outstanding news, and I applaud Speaker Ryan and House leadership for scheduling a vote to grant states more flexibility in administering unemployment insurance benefits. A central component of our ‘Wisconsin Works for Everyone’ welfare reform package is to further incorporate drug testing for those on public assistance. If someone fails the test, we help them with rehabilitation, so they can get healthy and ready to enter the workforce. Over and over again, employers are telling us of their dramatic needs for people who are ready to work and able to pass a drug test. This scheduled vote by the House of Representatives is an important first step to advancing bold welfare reform in Wisconsin and across our nation.”
Governor Walker led a letter, along with three other governors, supporting H.J. Res. 42 and thanking House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady for introducing it. A copy of the letter is attached.
NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
Thank you Gov. Walker for repealing this idiotic rule put in place by… wait… is that right?
Gov. Walker approves rule requiring those receiving unemployment benefits to pass drug test
Exactly how many people actually fail an employer’s drug test that makes this such an important law to overturn? How many get fired for being on drugs? Without employment, those people don’t have money to buy drugs to begin with? What else is in that bill that makes them so excited to get it passed?
Walker said in May 2016: Those who fail the drug test must comply with substance abuse treatment and a job skills assessment to remain eligible for UI benefits. What do they have to do to comply? What do they do if they fail the skills assessment? Is it their fault they don’t have the skills you think they should have?
Now he says: If someone fails the test, we help them with rehabilitation, so they can get healthy and ready to enter the workforce. What do you mean by “help them with rehabilitation? Just help them find a place to go and then they are on their own? How much do they have to pay for the drug test? Why don’t they say what they mean — “help them to kick their drug habit.” What does help them get healthy mean? Maybe they are on pain medication because of chronic pain. So, how does your drug program help them with that?
He also says: Wisconsin transformed its unemployment insurance trust fund from a $1.3 billion deficit in 2010 to a $743 million positive balance — Would that be maybe because many of those who lost jobs in 2008-09 either got jobs and went off unemployment, drew their 26 weeks of unemployment and were no longer eligible, moved out of state to find work because you never created any family supporting jobs with the millions you gave away to corporations, or because of the assistance from the Federal Government for UI.
Honestly, if I would have had to go for a drug test when I lost my job due to the economic collapse and for no other reason, I would have been really p*ssed. If someone loses their job due to a drug problem, then I understand the testing, but not for the average person who loses their job through no fault of their own. Your policies are a slap in the face to the citizens of Wisconsin. How about all of you take regular drug tests too? You owe it to the people since you are living off their dime.
@happyjack27, I hope you’re being sarcastic.
To review, Walker jumped the gun and implemented the rule in WI in defiance of the Feds — hedging on the results we have now: Trump, full Repug control of Congress. So now he’s writing a letter congratulating a fellow Repug for validating his previously (and still, Brady’s only drafted legislation and no rules have been changed or otherwise repealed) illegal WI rules. guess no one sued over it yet and soon won’t have the chance.
If I’m being sarcastic about anything it’s more accurately being facetiously disingenuous — pretending to not know that Walker is taking credit for repealing the very legislation he — happily, proudly — signed into law.
I find it especially funny to compare the wording and sentiment of this press release which what I guess could only be called it’s antipode (the one i linked to) from no more than a year earlier.
My favorite part is the first three lines: “SCOTT WALKER”,”OFFICE OF THE GOVERNER”,”FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE”.
Rick Scott tried this in Florida many years ago and they eventually found low results for the expense of doing it. But go ahead Scotty and waste more of Wisconsin taxpayer money in writing your “accomplishments “as governor .
I tried this in my head 5 seconds ago and found low results for the expense of doing it.
It didn’t cost any more.
I’m all for this if the same rule applies to any company and all of it’s shareholders who receive government contracts or grants.