Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Press Release

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on Trump’s Announced Visit to Kenosha


By - Aug 29th, 2020 09:45 pm

(WISCONSIN) — Today, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement in response to Trump’s announced visit to Kenosha:

“Under President Trump’s failed leadership, our country is in the midst of multiple crises: a racial justice crisis, a devastating recession, and a global pandemic. Wisconsinites and Americans are hurting, and Donald Trump has done absolutely nothing to help. Instead, he has used his office to fan the flames of hatred and division, leaning into chaos and violence as a political strategy. We don’t need a photo-op, we need leadership — and Trump has proven time and time again he is not up to the task.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


  1. says:

    Thank you Democratic Party! I could not have said it better myself. His visit is meant to fan the flames of hatred and division to give white supremacists permission to do whatever they want. We are losing our democracy in every day that goes by under his failed leadership.

  2. Thomas Martinsen says:

    I suggest that all the Democrats in Kenosha and the surrounding area rent all the SUV’s they can from rental car businesses in that area. If they deplete the stock of SUV’s available, Trump’s storm troopers may have fewer vehicles to use to transport protesters to detention. I also recommend that those who rent those SUV’s use them to take willing protesters out of town for a vacation in a state park or elsewhere – to get them out of harm’s way and to deprive Trump of much of the audience he probably expects. A diminished audience would diminish THE DONALD. He does less harm when fewer people are present.

  3. Bellski says:

    What a bunch if liberal mouth-breathing bs. The left is clearly where the devisiveness is being birthed- sad

  4. says:

    Bellski–I’m surprised you’re not out there with the paint balls and rifles in your own truck. You must be on another planet if you think Trump and his Maga wearing Trumpers are not inciting further unrest. We’ve all had enough violence now for a lifetime.

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