AFP Wisconsin
Press Release

Americans for Prosperity – Wisconsin Applauds the State Senate on Passage of Civil Service Reform

Civil Service Reform Will Lead to More Efficient and Effective State Government

By - Jan 21st, 2016 08:35 am

MADISON, Wis. — Americans for Prosperity – Wisconsin issued the following statement applauding the State Senate for passing civil service reforms making state employees more responsive and accountable to the people they serve.

“Civil service reform gives government managers the tools they need to recruit and retain talented individuals in government service and to properly discipline poor performers and those abusing taxpayer resources,” said Eric Bott, State Director of Americans for Prosperity Wisconsin. “These reforms will help the state maintain a high level of service while being more responsible with taxpayer money.”

Americans for Prosperity – Wisconsin has been organizing its more than 134,000 in-state activists through social media and grassroots outreach to encourage legislators to support civil service reform.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. Barb- West Bend says:

    Americans for Prosperity is a front group for the Koch brothers. This group was formed 11 years ago by people who were already prosperous, and they work to become more so on the backs of low and middle income wage workers. The economic lives of the poor and middle class have been in a downward spiral during this same period of time. Members of American for Prosperity support every bit of legislation that makes lives harder for those trying to eke out a living. They despise Unions and work to destroy them. They don’t want any protections for workers. They despise people on welfare, and rather than give them a hand up, they stomp down on them with their Berluti Handmade Shoes, or whatever other brand of fancy-man shoes that the Koch brothers and their wealthy pals wear. They believe in the fantasy of trickle down economics and blame the poor for being poor. They spend millions of their unearned (inherited) income on poisoning the minds of the naive to vote with them to help destroy democracy and replace it with a plutocracy. And they are succeeding. The USA has become a country of the rich, for the rich, by the rich…thanks to the Citizens United Ruling; corrupt, secretive campaign financing; and gerrymandering by the party in rule. Our election process is broken, and appears to have become a reality entertainment show rather than a solemn civic duty. This country is in real trouble and Americans for Prosperity, and other Koch backed organizations are a big part of the problem.

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