Content referencing Ty Bodden

The State of Politics: One-Fourth of Assembly Will Be Newbies
The State of Politics

One-Fourth of Assembly Will Be Newbies

Fair maps drawn by both parties for first time in 12 years could transform the Assembly.

The State of Politics: Will Legislators Run Or Not?
The State of Politics

Will Legislators Run Or Not?

The long list of legislators in newly mapped districts who haven't filed to run includes Robin Vos.

Bill Would Stop Wisconsin’s Participation In UN’s Agenda 2030

Bill Would Stop Wisconsin’s Participation In UN’s Agenda 2030

The DNR's Green Tier program helps participants improve their environmental performance

Constitutional Amendment Would Block Ranked Choice Voting

Constitutional Amendment Would Block Ranked Choice Voting

Proposal designed to halt bipartisan bill.

Legislature Approves Bill Allowing Nurses to Write Prescriptions

Legislature Approves Bill Allowing Nurses to Write Prescriptions

Also would allow nurses to treat patients without oversight. Evers expected to veto.

The State of Politics: Republicans Fearful of New District Maps
The State of Politics

Republicans Fearful of New District Maps

Under one proposed map, incumbent Republicans would have to run against each other.

Assembly Passes Broad Parental Rights Bill, Firearm Tracking Ban

Assembly Passes Broad Parental Rights Bill, Firearm Tracking Ban

Also bills on reciprocal credentialing and expanding definition in statute against strip search.

Republicans Seek To Abolish Wisconsin Elections Commission

Republicans Seek To Abolish Wisconsin Elections Commission

Power would be transferred to Secretary of State, Legislature's election committees.

Proposal Would Fine Scam Callers Using Fake IDs

Proposal Would Fine Scam Callers Using Fake IDs

GOP proposal targets phone scams that cost Americans $40 billion last year.

GOP Bill Would Block Use of Credit Card Code For Gun Stores

GOP Bill Would Block Use of Credit Card Code For Gun Stores

Merchandise code for gun retailers would help track suspicious weapons purchases gun control advocates say.

Anti-Transgender Bill Would Change Where Inmates Are Held

Anti-Transgender Bill Would Change Where Inmates Are Held

Bill would require detention in facility that aligns with gender at birth. Gov. Evers promises veto.

Bill Would Allow New Bars To Offer Indoor Cigar, Pipe Smoking

Bill Would Allow New Bars To Offer Indoor Cigar, Pipe Smoking

City of Milwaukee could support the bill, but raised questions over regulation.

Murphy’s Law: Why State GOP Turned Against ERIC
Murphy’s Law

Why State GOP Turned Against ERIC

Trump and Cleta Mitchell are demonizing elections data system Wisconsin joined via 2016 Republican law.

Houses of Worship Could Become Exempt From Emergency Orders

Houses of Worship Could Become Exempt From Emergency Orders

Authors of the proposed constitutional amendment argue that it's a matter of separating church and state.

Republican-Backed Bill Would Remove Ineligible Voters From State Database

Republican-Backed Bill Would Remove Ineligible Voters From State Database

But election officials say its unnecessary and could actually make elections less secure.

Ramthun Won’t Rule Out Future Run for Governor

Ramthun Won’t Rule Out Future Run for Governor

Election denier got just 6% of vote in GOP primary but blames it on negative press.

State Has Many Uncontested Legislative Races

State Has Many Uncontested Legislative Races

Why newcomers Ryan Clancy on East Side, Dave Maxey in New Berlin face no opponent.

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin Celebrates Primary Election Victories
No Choice in 36% of Legislative Races

No Choice in 36% of Legislative Races

Gerrymandering and decline in number of candidates leaves 2.5 million residents with no choice.