Content referencing Tim Carnahan

Properly secured trailers and cargo prevent hazards on the road
Press Release

Properly secured trailers and cargo prevent hazards on the road

March Law of the Month: Trailer and Load Securement

Practice safe merging techniques to prevent crashes
Press Release

Practice safe merging techniques to prevent crashes

February Law of the Month: Safe Merging

Don’t miss your chance to become a Wisconsin State Patrol trooper or inspector, one week left to apply
Be prepared for winter road conditions in Wisconsin
Press Release

Be prepared for winter road conditions in Wisconsin

January Law of the Month: Safe winter driving

New winter road condition categories unveiled on 511 Wisconsin
Press Release

New winter road condition categories unveiled on 511 Wisconsin

“Know before you go” online or with the 511 mobile app

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign begins today
Press Release

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign begins today

Gift a sober ride this holiday season

Plan ahead to prevent impaired driving this holiday season
Press Release

Plan ahead to prevent impaired driving this holiday season

December Law of the Month: Impaired driving

Move over, slow down to keep emergency roadside workers safe
Press Release

Move over, slow down to keep emergency roadside workers safe

Annual Crash Responder Safety Week reminds drivers to do their part to protect first responders

State law requires drivers to brake for roadside workers
Press Release

State law requires drivers to brake for roadside workers

November Law of the Month: Move Over Law

WisDOT challenges Wisconsin to commit to safety on Buckle Up Phone Down Day
Press Release

WisDOT challenges Wisconsin to commit to safety on Buckle Up Phone Down Day

Partners join the effort to save lives by promoting safe driving

Milwaukee Park & Ride Closures Disperse Growing Unhoused Population

Milwaukee Park & Ride Closures Disperse Growing Unhoused Population

Advocates, supervisors worry shuttering sites isn't solving underlying issues.

Be on the lookout for more deer on the roads during the fall rut
Now recruiting: Wisconsin State Patrol troopers, inspectors
Wisconsin State Patrol Urges Drivers to Move Over or Slow Down for Emergency Responders
WisDOT announces park and ride closures due to safety and security issues
Press Release

WisDOT announces park and ride closures due to safety and security issues

State and county partnership helped more than 80 individuals find reliable housing

Stay a step ahead to keep pedestrians safe
Press Release

Stay a step ahead to keep pedestrians safe

Wisconsin State Patrol’s October Law of the Month: Pedestrian Safety

Don’t let child passenger safety take the back seat
Press Release

Don’t let child passenger safety take the back seat

September Law of the Month: Child Passenger Safety

Wisconsin State Patrol focuses efforts to stop impaired driving
Press Release

Wisconsin State Patrol focuses efforts to stop impaired driving

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign starts Friday, August 16

Wisconsin State Patrol welcomes 23 new officers at graduation, including first lateral recruit class
Wisconsin State Patrol partners with Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association to elevate focus on safe driving
Share the road with motorcycles for everyone’s safety
Press Release

Share the road with motorcycles for everyone’s safety

June Law of the Month: Motorcycle safety

The annual Click It or Ticket campaign is back, reminding drivers to buckle up
Press Release

The annual Click It or Ticket campaign is back, reminding drivers to buckle up

WisDOT and the Wisconsin State Patrol bump up seatbelt education and enforcement efforts to keep travelers safe

Share the road as farmers begin planting season
Press Release

Share the road as farmers begin planting season

April Law of the Month: Farm Vehicle Safety

Turn headlights on in dark, adverse weather conditions
Press Release

Turn headlights on in dark, adverse weather conditions

March Law of the Month: Proper Headlight Use

Change lanes carefully to avoid collisions
Press Release

Change lanes carefully to avoid collisions

February Law of the Month: Safe Merging

Officers work to stop human trafficking on our highways
Press Release

Officers work to stop human trafficking on our highways

January Law of the Month: Human trafficking prevention

Make a plan to drive sober this holiday season
Press Release

Make a plan to drive sober this holiday season

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign begins Friday

Stay back from snowplows to avoid crashes this winter season
Press Release

Stay back from snowplows to avoid crashes this winter season

December Law of the Month: Snowplow safety

Crash Responder Safety Week emphasizes drivers’ responsibility to keep workers safe
State laws protect first responders working on the roads
Press Release

State laws protect first responders working on the roads

November Law of the Month: Move Over or Slow Down

Commit to safe driving on Buckle Up Phone Down Day
Stay alert behind the wheel as daylight diminishes in fall
Press Release

Stay alert behind the wheel as daylight diminishes in fall

October Law of the Month: Safe Driving at Night

Governor’s Conference on Highway Safety addresses biggest challenges on Wisconsin roads
Wisconsin State Patrol leads effort to curb impaired driving
Press Release

Wisconsin State Patrol leads effort to curb impaired driving

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign starts Friday

Safe Drivers Can Reverse Reckless Driving Trend in Wisconsin Communities
Press Release

Safe Drivers Can Reverse Reckless Driving Trend in Wisconsin Communities

July Law of the Month: Reckless driving prevention

Wisconsin State Patrol welcomes new officers at graduation ceremony
Click It or Ticket seat belt safety campaign begins
Press Release

Click It or Ticket seat belt safety campaign begins

Awareness messaging, enforcement efforts encourage seat belt use to save lives

Annual Work Zone Awareness Week highlights importance of highway safety
Make a safe ride home part of all celebration plans
Press Release

Make a safe ride home part of all celebration plans

State Patrol’s March Law of the Month: Impaired Driving Prevention

Safety depends on proper vehicle maintenance during winter season
Press Release

Safety depends on proper vehicle maintenance during winter season

January Law of the Month highlights winter vehicle safety tips

Be prepared for winter driving to avoid crashes this season
Press Release

Be prepared for winter driving to avoid crashes this season

December Law of the Month: Safe winter driving

Move over, slow down to keep emergency roadside workers safe
Press Release

Move over, slow down to keep emergency roadside workers safe

Annual Crash Responder Safety Week reminds drivers to protect first responders

Stay alert, look for pedestrians to save lives on the roads
Press Release

Stay alert, look for pedestrians to save lives on the roads

Wisconsin State Patrol’s October Law of the Month: Pedestrian Safety

New Memorial Honors Wisconsin State Patrol’s Fallen Heroes
Press Release

New Memorial Honors Wisconsin State Patrol’s Fallen Heroes

State leaders, family members participate in dedication ceremony Friday

Put Children’s Safety First On Every Trip in a Vehicle
Press Release

Put Children’s Safety First On Every Trip in a Vehicle

Wisconsin State Patrol’s September Law of the Month: Child Passenger Safety

Milwaukee Police Department Announces New Traffic Safety Initiatives
State Patrol assisting with transport of COVID-19 test kits/samples