Roger Quindel is a former Milwaukee County Supervisor.

Content referencing Roger Quindel

Ted Chisholm Announces Growing List of Public Endorsements for Milwaukee County Treasurer Campaign
Murphy’s Law: Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote
Murphy’s Law

Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote

John Weishan, who supported infamous pension plan that gouged taxpayers, is running for Register of Deeds.

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Contribution to Alex Brower of $100

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $250

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $100

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $100

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District
Plenty of Horne

Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Supervisor Nyklewicz will face a rare challenge for his seat when Milwaukee Police detective Sebastian C. J. Raclaw announces his candidacy for the Milwaukee County Supervisor for the 14th District

Murphy’s Law: Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?
Murphy’s Law

Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?

It was 9 a.m. on a Friday morning in late October of last year when I began calling county supervisors for a story in Milwaukee Magazine.

Murphy’s Law: Ament’s Sweetheart Insurance Deal For An Old Crony
Murphy’s Law

Ament’s Sweetheart Insurance Deal For An Old Crony

Accusations about cronyism in the Ament administration just keep coming.

Murphy’s Law: Could Bob Ott Be Investigated For Ethical Conflicts?
Murphy’s Law

Could Bob Ott Be Investigated For Ethical Conflicts?

Milwaukee County is beginning to resemble the plot of And Then There Were None. One by one, top officials are disappearing from the courthouse.

Murphy’s Law: How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan

Over and over the question has recurred: why would county supervisors, most of whom will not get the more lucrative pension payoff for veteran workers, approve this deal?

Murphy’s Law: Did Ament’s Aides Conspire to Replace the Chair of Personnel?
Murphy’s Law

Did Ament’s Aides Conspire to Replace the Chair of Personnel?

Did Tom Ament's aides scheme to replace the chair of the county board's personnel committee so they could get their blockbuster pension plan passed?

Murphy’s Law: Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?
Murphy’s Law

Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?

With the resignation of Michael Joyce, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is looking for a new president.