Content referencing Philip La Follette

High Court To Review Wisconsin’s Nearly-Century-Old Veto Power

High Court To Review Wisconsin’s Nearly-Century-Old Veto Power

Business group's lawsuit challenges Gov. Evers' partial veto to create 400 years of funding.

What’s It Worth?: Woman’s Club of Wisconsin Is Nation’s Oldest
What’s It Worth?

Woman’s Club of Wisconsin Is Nation’s Oldest

With quite a history. But how did it get that tax exemption?

Smart Politics: Mandela Barnes Seeks Electoral First
Smart Politics

Mandela Barnes Seeks Electoral First

No sitting or former lieutenant governor has won a U.S. Senate election in state history.

Lives of Wisconsin’s LGBTQ Pioneers

Lives of Wisconsin’s LGBTQ Pioneers

50 years after Stonewall, new book chronicles early leaders in state’s gay history.

How State Created Strongest Veto Power

How State Created Strongest Veto Power

No governor has more power to rewrite bills. How and why Wisconsin adopted this.

Smart Politics: History Gives Walker Slim Odds to Win
Smart Politics

History Gives Walker Slim Odds to Win

State voters rarely elect a gubernatorial candidate whose party holds the presidency.

Smart Politics: Evers vs. Walker Would Be Historic Race
Smart Politics

Evers vs. Walker Would Be Historic Race

One of few times in history two incumbent state officials oppose each other.