Content referencing Paul Tonko

Pocan, Kelly, 109 Add’l House Democrats Urge Immediate Restoration of PEPFAR
Congresswoman Gwen Moore Leads Colleagues in Effort to Protect the U.S. Department of Education
Rep. Pocan Condemns Hamas Attacks, Urges Protection of Innocent Civilians
Press Release

Rep. Pocan Condemns Hamas Attacks, Urges Protection of Innocent Civilians

Schakowsky, Pocan, Jayapal, McGovern Lead 55 Members in Letter Condemning Hamas Attacks, Urging Protection of Innocent Civilian Lives

Senators Baldwin, Braun Introduce Bipartisan Reentry Act to Help Reduce Drug Overdoses
Press Release

Senators Baldwin, Braun Introduce Bipartisan Reentry Act to Help Reduce Drug Overdoses

Legislation would help create a warm handoff for those leaving incarceration and get them health care coverage, including mental health services and substance use disorder treatment

Baldwin, Braun, Whitehouse and Brown Lead Senate Introduction of Bipartisan Medicaid Reentry Act
Press Release

Baldwin, Braun, Whitehouse and Brown Lead Senate Introduction of Bipartisan Medicaid Reentry Act

Grants states power to restart Medicaid services for incarcerated individuals 30 days before their release

Pocan Introduces Food Worker Pay Standards Act
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan ACCESS BROADBAND Act