Content referencing Nora Friend
Talgo Trains Return to Milwaukee
After 5 years in storage, trains built for Wisconsin may be used on Pacific Northwest line.
Dec 10th, 2019 by Bridgit Bowden and Shawn JohnsonMurphy’s Law
The Twisted Tale of Talgo
Settlement forces state to pay more for trains it didn’t get, leaving it with slower Amtrak trains.
Aug 25th, 2015 by Bruce MurphyBack in the News
Michigan May Get Talgo Trains
Trains still in storage in Milwaukee could go to high speed line in Michigan -- if the Talgo lawsuit against Wisconsin is ever settled.
Apr 14th, 2014 by Bruce MurphyBack in the News
Talgo Files Claim Against State
State would have to pay $136 million for canceling train contract.
Nov 8th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyMurphy’s Law
Did the State Screw Talgo?
The train company's stunned CEO blasts Wisconsin for breaching its contract “like a Third World country.”
May 31st, 2012 by Bruce Murphy