Michael Lutz, was a former Milwaukee police office. In 2015 he ran for the 11th District Aldermanic seat, placing fourth.

Lutz died July 26th, 2015 at the age of 44 in an apparent suicide.

Content referencing Michael Lutz

Data Wonk: John Doe Controversy Gets Even Stranger
Data Wonk

John Doe Controversy Gets Even Stranger

Judge Lynn Adelman seemed mystified by attorneys for both sides in suit against John Chisholm.

Data Wonk: Have Anti-John Doe Forces Blundered?
Data Wonk

Have Anti-John Doe Forces Blundered?

They could open door to federal court questioning state Supreme Court’s shutdown of Doe probe.

Plenty of Horne: Race for Dudzik’s Seat Could Get Heated
Plenty of Horne

Race for Dudzik’s Seat Could Get Heated

Will anti-streetcar group get involved? And did Journal Sentinel exaggerate the number of candidates?

Did Doe Investigators Trash the Rule of Law?

Did Doe Investigators Trash the Rule of Law?

National Review and Fox News run stories about "fascist midnight raids." Are they right?