Content referencing Debra Shore

EPA Giving Milwaukee $17 Million For Sewer Project

EPA Giving Milwaukee $17 Million For Sewer Project

Relocating lakefront sewer overflow part of much larger environmental cleanup project.

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Largest Ever Clean-up under EPA’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to Address Milwaukee Area of Concern
Press Release

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Largest Ever Clean-up under EPA’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to Address Milwaukee Area of Concern

Thanks to President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding agreement between EPA and partners will invest an estimated $450 million to cleanup of nearly two million cubic yards of contaminated sediments

EPA Awards Children’s Health Protection Grant to Milwaukee Public Schools
EPA Agrees With Bad River Tribe on Enbridge Oil Pipeline

EPA Agrees With Bad River Tribe on Enbridge Oil Pipeline

Letter to DNR cites nearly 200 issues with pipeline across northern Wisconsin.

MMSD Gets $42 Million Loan For Stormwater Projects

MMSD Gets $42 Million Loan For Stormwater Projects

Low-interest federal loan will help fund sewerage district's green infrastructure projects.

State Meets Federal Air Quality Standard

State Meets Federal Air Quality Standard

Improvements in Rhinelander area bring entire state in compliance on sulfur dioxide standard.