Content referencing Cullen Werwie

Your Right to Know: A Tough Year for Transparency
Your Right to Know

A Tough Year for Transparency

State leaders have worked to restrict open records and succeeded in several ways.

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Two cabinet members say Huebsch instructed them to use private channels for state business.

Murphy’s Law: How Walker Wasted Pricey Legal Help
Murphy’s Law

How Walker Wasted Pricey Legal Help

He ignored $2.2 million report concluding Kenosha casino had no legal risks.

Rent-To-Own Industry Wants Less Disclosure

Rent-To-Own Industry Wants Less Disclosure

Seeks to overturn law making it disclose interests rates. Industry supported Gov. Walker, who backs the change.

The Money Behind the Mining Bill

The Money Behind the Mining Bill

Is it $15 million in campaign contributions? The tally is inexact, but it's way more than environmentalists donate.

The Secret Lobbyists

The Secret Lobbyists

Lobbyists must register to lobby the legislature but can work in secret to get the big money from government contracts. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?

Voters would probably oppose it, so GOP needs to pass the legislation very, very quietly.