Content referencing Arnold Cifax

Nonprofit’s Goal: 75,000 Men Take A Stand Against Human Trafficking
Press Release

Nonprofit’s Goal: 75,000 Men Take A Stand Against Human Trafficking

Fifth annual HEMAD Campaign aims to raise awareness and seek an end to the commercial sex trade

Nonprofit Seeks 75,000 Men to Help End Human Trafficking
Press Release

Nonprofit Seeks 75,000 Men to Help End Human Trafficking

HEMAD Campaign aims to raise awareness and seek an end to the commercial sex trade

41,000+ Men Pledge to Fight Human Trafficking
Press Release

41,000+ Men Pledge to Fight Human Trafficking

HEMAD Campaign is raising awareness and seeks to end commercial sexual exploitation

COVID-19 Not Stopping Men’s Movement to End Human Trafficking
Press Release

COVID-19 Not Stopping Men’s Movement to End Human Trafficking

Five-week HEMAD Campaign is raising awareness and seeks an end to societal scourge

Men’s Campaign Against Human Trafficking Surpasses Goal
Press Release

Men’s Campaign Against Human Trafficking Surpasses Goal

8,000+ men take the HEMAD pledge as campaign goes viral and continues into 2020; HEMAD to have presence at Pro Bowl in Orlando and Super Bowl LIV in Miami