PCT Home > Period: 2016 - January Continuing > Report: Terry Witkowski

Political Contributions Tracker

Terry Witkowski. Photo from the City of Milwaukee.

Terry Witkowski

Period: 2016 - January Continuing

Amount Raised: $14,363

Total Contributions: 127

Average Contribution: $113

Median Contribution: $100

View Report Submitted to Election Commmission

Date Name Amount Lifetime All Candidates Personnel File
Aug 31, 2015Ken Schmidt$25$25
Aug 31, 2015Allan H. Nelson$100$726
Aug 31, 2015Gerard Klupp$40$40
Sep 1, 2015Chester Kuzminski$25$105
Sep 1, 2015Michael Maistelman$200$2,757
Sep 1, 2015Mary Pat Berry$100$100
Sep 2, 2015Mike Johnson (Cudahy)$50$50
Sep 2, 2015Bobby Dhir$250$250
Sep 2, 2015Samuel D. Dickman$50$650
Sep 2, 2015Rachel Dickman$50$350
Sep 2, 2015Woody Welch$200$450
Sep 2, 2015Yvonne Larsen$100$400
Sep 3, 2015James A. Gramling, Jr.$100$2,200
Sep 3, 2015Bob Pietrykowski$50$50
Sep 3, 2015Rick Barrett$397$8,739
Sep 4, 2015Mary Widen$100$100
Sep 4, 2015Jim Lombardo$200$2,700
Sep 4, 2015Gregorio Montoto$150$1,200
Sep 4, 2015Michael Guerin$100$625
Sep 4, 2015William Guis$200$1,722
Sep 5, 2015James Stearns$100$2,425
Sep 5, 2015Paul Nannis$50$1,170
Sep 8, 2015David Riemer$50$100
Sep 8, 2015Jeffrey Daniels$100$100
Sep 8, 2015Peter Daniels$100$100
Sep 8, 2015Davis Daniels$100$100
Sep 8, 2015Chris Monroe$150$225
Sep 10, 2015Martha Love$100$1,635
Sep 10, 2015William Averill$50$200
Sep 10, 2015Robert Potrzebowski$100$2,000
Sep 11, 2015Marcia Cornnell$50$100
Sep 13, 2015Mike Kaiser$100$100
Sep 14, 2015Clark Wantoch$25$625
Sep 14, 2015Paulina Gutiérrez$25$25
Sep 14, 2015Tom Rave$50$50
Sep 14, 2015John Alatzakis$100$100
Sep 14, 2015Dominic Giuffre$250$5,600
Sep 15, 2015Othman Atta$100$250
Sep 15, 2015Dawn Riegel$50$100
Sep 15, 2015Francis Wasielewski$200$875
Sep 15, 2015Jean Kies$35$495
Sep 15, 2015Nabil Salous$200$800
Sep 15, 2015Munjed Ahmad$100$200
Sep 15, 2015Tim Carpenter$200$812
Sep 15, 2015Sam L. Orlich$50$350
Sep 15, 2015Jason Haas$397$1,142
Sep 15, 2015Vincent Bobot$50$21,750
Sep 15, 2015Ahmed Quereshi$100$100
Sep 15, 2015Anne Zizzo$50$100
Sep 15, 2015Bryan Simon$200$1,197
Sep 15, 2015Jeff Polenske$50$1,850
Sep 15, 2015Rebecca Kiefer$20$70
Sep 15, 2015Janet Protasiewicz$30$80
Sep 15, 2015Patricia Fricker$50$150
Sep 15, 2015Duane Koscinski$100$200
Sep 15, 2015Scott Solverson$100$1,400
Sep 15, 2015Thomas Rach$25$50
Sep 15, 2015Abdelhafeth Hamed$100$100
Sep 15, 2015Daljit Kler$100$1,706
Sep 15, 2015Scott Spiker$100$10,343
Sep 15, 2015Prabhu "Patrick" Kasthurirangaian$397$2,792
Sep 15, 2015Riaz Mian$100$1,900
Sep 15, 2015Samer Abulughod$50$100
Sep 15, 2015Hasan Abulughod$50$50
Sep 15, 2015Roger Dean Brown$100$150
Sep 15, 2015David Caruso$50$100
Sep 15, 2015Sanjay Patel$100$1,050
Sep 15, 2015Julio Maldonado$50$800
Sep 15, 2015Edward Hida$25$150
Sep 15, 2015Richard Cohn$50$100
Sep 15, 2015Joel Lee$100$8,580
Sep 15, 2015Scott Yauck$50$100
Sep 16, 2015Amrit Patel$100$2,676
Sep 19, 2015Julia O'Connor$100$100
Sep 24, 2015Craig Kammholz$397$397
Sep 28, 2015Steven Sass$100$100
Sep 29, 2015Michael Brady$100$955
Sep 30, 2015Neil Palmer$50$100
Sep 30, 2015Frank Giuffre$200$3,728
Oct 1, 2015Dyan Wagner$25$575
Oct 3, 2015Joan Pawlak$100$100
Oct 7, 2015Suzanne Brier$100$100
Oct 7, 2015John Gurda$50$50
Oct 12, 2015Mike Witkowski$50$50
Oct 23, 2015Jeff Joerres$200$200
Oct 25, 2015David Uihlein$300$5,350
Oct 27, 2015Anne De Leo$100$685
Oct 17, 2015Joanne Grunau$100$806
Oct 28, 2015Karl Rajani$397$14,119
Oct 28, 2015Carl Mueller$396$5,520
Oct 28, 2015Roger Oldenburg$100$135
Oct 28, 2015Jean Kies$35$495
Oct 28, 2015Jeff Lutzka$50$50
Oct 28, 2015Stewart Wangard$100$2,000
Oct 28, 2015Julie Baron$350$850
Oct 28, 2015Riaz Mian$100$1,900
Oct 28, 2015Josh Zepnick$50$1,105
Oct 28, 2015Azmi Alaeddin$200$820
Oct 28, 2015Bayan Salous$200$200
Oct 28, 2015John Kissinger$397$5,933
Oct 28, 2015Waqar Hussain$100$3,093
Oct 28, 2015Dick Lincoln$100$2,150
Oct 28, 2015Julio Maldonado$50$800
Oct 28, 2015Sam L. Orlich$50$350
Oct 28, 2015Samer Abulughod$50$100
Oct 28, 2015Rob Bauman$50$171
Oct 28, 2015Scott Yauck$50$100
Oct 28, 2015Anne Zizzo$50$100
Oct 28, 2015Abigail Lucke$50$50
Oct 28, 2015Hussein Govani$50$2,572
Oct 28, 2015Anthony Govani$50$450
Oct 28, 2015Michael W. Bishop$50$50
Oct 29, 2015Ralph Christopher$100$100
Oct 30, 2015Nick Anton$300$10,483
Oct 30, 2015Borislav Kresovic$50$200
Dec 4, 2015Paula Kiely$100$750
Dec 16, 2015Paul Budzisz$250$250
Dec 27, 2015Mark Nicolini$50$50
Dec 29, 2015Borislav Kresovic$75$200
Dec 29, 2015Milan Kresovic$75$250
Dec 30, 2015Jim Lombardo$100$2,700
Dec 30, 2015Agnes H. Stearns$100$900
Dec 30, 2015Diane Goemans$200$200
Dec 30, 2015Thomas Frenn$150$475
Dec 30, 2015Allan H. Nelson$50$726
Dec 31, 2015Dragan Kresovic$75$150
Dec 31, 2015Percy Dorsey$25$25

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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.

Interested in helping digitize old reports? Email us at info@UrbanMilwaukee.com