Political Contributions Tracker
2015 - January Continuing
Showing all reports on file from the 2015 - January Continuing reporting period
Politician | Amount | Contributions | Average |
Robert Bauman | $15,643 | 108 | $145 |
Bob Donovan | $30,840 | 244 | $126 |
Russell W. Stamper, II | $1,191 | 6 | $199 |
José G. Pérez | $12,862 | 91 | $141 |
Joe Davis, Sr. | $100 | 1 | $100 |
Michael Sugden, Jr. | $912 | 5 | $182 |
Milele A. Coggs | $110 | 2 | $55 |
Robert Puente | $650 | 3 | $217 |
Willie Wade | $200 | 2 | $100 |
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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.
Interested in helping digitize old reports? Email us at info@UrbanMilwaukee.com